Bees, those small and valuable insects, can sometimes become a source of fear for many people. We all know that even one bee sting can be quite painful, not to mention being swarmed by a whole hive of them.

Just recently, a man experienced a truly unexpected and nerve-wracking encounter with bees. He had parked his car outside a store and, accidentally leaving the window open, he returned to find around 15,000 bees buzzing around inside his vehicle. Imagine his horror in that moment! How could there be so many bees in the parking lot?

Understandably afraid, the man hesitated to get close to his car. Angry bees constantly flew in and out, making the situation even more chaotic. Emergency services and firefighters were promptly called, seeking assistance, but they were at a loss as to how to lure the bees out of the car and what to do next. It turns out, only experienced beekeepers know the secrets and proper handling of these incredible creatures.

On-call firefighters removing bees from the car
Source: Las Cruces Fire Department

Coincidentally, one of the firefighters recalled that his colleague was an avid beekeeper who breeds and adores bees. However, this beekeeping expert was currently on vacation. It was clear that they urgently needed to reach out to him and bring him to the parking lot.

Once the beekeeper arrived, fully equipped with the necessary tools and donned in a protective suit, he got down to business. Using a special calming oil, he gently enticed the bees into a hive and transported them to his own apiary.

The mystery of where the bees came from remains unsolved. It is likely that someone unintentionally destroyed their hive, leaving the poor bees homeless. Bees are social insects, living in large families. Typically, a single honey bee hive houses anywhere between 10,000 to 50,000 individuals. Some bees can be more aggressive than others, swarming or stinging when their hive is threatened or when someone gets too close.

It seems that these industrious bees were simply searching for a suitable place to establish a new hive, and unfortunately, the man’s car served as a convenient substitute. Since the incident, the man now prefers to park exclusively in closed underground lots and always ensures that his windows are tightly shut. After all, who knows what else might find its way into his car?

Watch this video to learn more about the incredible world of bees: