Jen and Paul have shared a bond for over two decades. Through the ups and downs of life, they have worked hard to make their marriage work. However, something seemed off lately, and Jen couldn’t help but wonder if it was her aging that was causing the distance between them.

The couple has been blessed with two wonderful children, Eric and Mary. Despite the challenges they faced in their marriage, their children brought them immense joy and happiness. It was this happiness that made Jen hesitant to confront the suspicions that were growing in her mind.

One day, as Jen was going about her routine, she stumbled upon a thong in their bedroom. Paul quickly dismissed it, claiming it must have belonged to their daughter. As time passed, it became evident that Paul’s behavior was changing. Jen’s suspicions intensified when she discovered some incriminating videos on his laptop. Although she was deeply hurt, she chose to keep quiet.

A heartbreaking moment came when Jen found a message from a woman named Amy on Paul’s phone. It was then that the horrifying truth hit her – both her husband and she were involved in an affair. Devastated, she couldn’t fathom the implications of this discovery, especially when it came to letting their son Eric in on the situation.

But the pain didn’t end there. Jen also came across hurtful messages on Paul’s phone where he referred to her as an ugly, fat, and old woman. These words tore through her heart, leaving her feeling completely shattered.

Seeking guidance and support, Jen confided in some close friends and eventually consulted a lawyer. Armed with the necessary evidence, she started contemplating her next steps. She knew that revealing the affair to her son would have significant ramifications, and she was torn.

What advice would you give Jen in this challenging situation? Share your thoughts in the comments below.