In the age of social media, parents have found new ways to address their children’s behavior. A Texas mom, identified as Star, recently gained online attention for her unique approach to tackling her son’s bullying at Greenleaf Elementary.

Administrators at the school reported that Star’s son had been using derogatory terms like “idiots” and “stupid” towards his classmates. In response, Star took a bold step – she made her son wear a T-shirt declaring, “I am a BULLY.”

As news of this unconventional disciplinary method spread, Star faced both praise and criticism. While some applauded her for teaching her son a lesson, others were concerned about the potential embarrassment it could cause the child.

Child development professionals weighed in on the matter, cautioning against embarrassing a child as a means of discipline. They emphasized the importance of teaching empathy and resolving conflicts responsibly. However, Star stood by her decision, asserting her rights as a parent and stating that the school district had approved of her actions.

This incident has sparked a broader debate on the ethics and effectiveness of public disciplinary measures for children. It highlights the challenges parents face in addressing bullying while also considering the boundaries of parental authority and child development principles.

While Star’s approach may be unconventional, it is a reminder that parents are constantly grappling with the best ways to guide their children. It also serves as a call for schools and communities to work together in finding effective solutions to combat bullying and promote a safe environment for all students.

Watch this video to learn more about Star’s story: