As we grow older, our homes become more than just a place to rest – they become our safe havens. We want to feel secure and protected within our own four walls. Many of us even go the extra mile to install surveillance cameras to ensure our safety. But unfortunately, criminals are always finding new ways to infiltrate our homes.

Recently, a Texan woman named Kim Fleming Cernigliaro shared a story that serves as a cautionary tale for us all. One day, when she was alone at home, she heard a knock at the door. The knocking grew louder and more forceful, making her uneasy. Wisely, she chose not to open the door. Instead, she waited and listened.

When the knocking finally stopped, Kim cautiously went downstairs to investigate. And that’s when she noticed something peculiar – a rubber band on the door handle. She had no idea what it meant, but she instinctively called the police to report the incident.

To her surprise, the officers explained that other residents in the neighborhood had also discovered rubber bands on their door handles. The police shed light on the disturbing reason behind this tactic employed by burglars.

Here’s how it works: when a homeowner answers the door and unlatches it, the rubber band keeps the latch open. This makes it easier for the criminal to forcefully push their way inside the house. And since the latch remains open due to the rubber band, the homeowner is unable to close and lock the door.

Now, Kim is on a mission to raise awareness about this dangerous scheme and remind us all to exercise extra caution when opening the door to strangers. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Please, take a moment to share this article with your family and friends on Facebook. Together, let’s spread the word about this concerning trend and keep our homes safe.