Growing up, my grandmother had a unique tradition of gifting me a plastic sheep on my birthday. At first, I didn’t understand why she chose these peculiar presents. But little did I know that there was a secret purpose hidden within each sheep, which would only be revealed after her passing.

Being the youngest in my family, my grandma always made sure to remind me of her unconditional love. On my 19th birthday, she handed me another little box, and I knew exactly what was inside – a plastic sheep.

This tradition had started when I turned 7, and it had become a little quirk that I cherished. Each year, I would unwrap the box pretending to be surprised, only to find another sheep with a different colored bell.

But there was so much more to these plastic sheep than met the eye. Unknown to me, my grandma had been weaving a secret message for me since I was a child.

As time went on, my grandma grew older and her time on earth drew nearer. When she eventually passed away, I was devastated.

“At least Grandma will live on in you,” my mother consoled me. “We named you after Grandma Clementine because you were a gift to her too.”

On my 20th birthday, my mom handed me a little box containing one last sheep from Grandma. Tears streamed down my face as I held the plastic sheep close. Overwhelmed with emotion, I left the birthday party and retreated to my room.

I carefully placed the new sheep on a shelf above my bed, alongside the others. Looking at them brought me immense comfort. What had once seemed like a silly tradition now held a deeper meaning.

My older brother Sheldon noticed my sadness and entered my room. He asked if I had figured out the secret hidden beneath the sheep. Confused, I shook my head.

“Look underneath the sheep,” he said, grinning knowingly.

I turned the sheep around and read the message printed beneath it – “I love you” followed by a number. Another number was hidden beneath one of the sheep’s legs, indicating their order.

Though it seemed like a code, I still needed clarity.

“You really don’t get it, do you?” Sheldon teased, winking at me. “Check out the last one and take the numbers down in order. Come on, Clem.”

Intrigued, I followed his instructions. I rearranged the numbers according to the years my grandmother had given me the sheep. As I put them in order, a bank account number emerged.

The next day, I went to the bank that my grandmother had dealt with. To my astonishment, I discovered that she had set up a bank account in my name and had been depositing money in it yearly. An incredible sum of over $120,000 awaited me.

But there was more to this secret gift. The bank consultant informed me that my grandma had also prepared a safety deposit box in my name. Eager to find out what else she had left for me, I patiently waited as the banker retrieved the box.

Inside, I found a handwritten letter from my grandmother. As tears welled up in my eyes, I read her heartfelt words.

Dearest Clem,

You figured it out! Please forgive this old lady for playing this little game, but I love you so much. I wanted to make sure you were taken care of and that no one could take the money away from you.

If I’m still around, come over for tea, honey. I love you.

— Nana

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I tucked the letter safely into my handbag, grabbed a bouquet of flowers, and filled a flask with tea. I made my way to my grandma’s final resting place.

As I arrived at the cemetery, the setting sun cast a soft glow over the surroundings. Even the flowers seemed to be radiating happiness among the graves. I placed the flowers on Grandma’s grave and poured her a cup of tea, just the way she used to make it.

Sitting there, sipping tea and sharing my deepest thoughts, I felt my grandma’s presence. I thanked her for opening the door to my dream college and promised to always make her proud. In that moment, I realized just how much she had loved me.

I stayed there until the tea in Grandma’s cup grew cold, basking in the warmth of her love and sharing my heartfelt emotions.

Do you have any wholesome family stories to share?