In a heartwarming moment captured in a documentary series on Netflix, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s son Archie, now 3 years old, shows curiosity about an iconic picture of his late grandmother, Princess Diana. The Duchess of Sussex, 41 years old, can be seen holding Archie while they both gaze at a framed portrait of Diana hanging in Archie’s nursery.

Archie, just a newborn when the footage was filmed, lovingly touches the photograph and coos, “Who is she?” Meghan, equally intrigued, wonders aloud, “Who exactly is that?” Meghan then explains to her son, “Hi, Grandma. Grandma Diana is pictured here.”

Prince Harry, 38 years old, previously revealed in his docuseries for AppleTV+, titled The Me You Can’t See, that he and Meghan had placed a photograph of Princess Diana in Archie’s nursery at their home in Montecito, California. The tragic loss of Princess Diana at the age of 36 in a car accident in Paris continues to deeply affect Harry.

Reflecting on the touching moment, Harry said, “It’s the cutest thing, but at the same time, it makes me extremely sad because she should be here. She should be here.” It’s evident that Princess Diana’s memory is cherished within their family.

Further in the documentary series, Harry emphasizes the striking similarities between Meghan and Diana. He describes how Meghan embodies Diana’s compassion, empathy, and confidence. The camera shifts from a clip of Diana playing with Harry and his brother William to a video of Meghan holding and kissing Archie, showing a heartwarming connection across generations.

While acknowledging potential criticism for his choices, including stepping down from his senior working royal status, Harry explains his intent to protect his loved ones. He says, “However, I was aware that I needed to do everything in my power to shield my loved ones, particularly after what had transpired with my mother. I was determined that the past would not be repeated.”

You can now stream the first volume of the documentary series, Harry & Meghan, on Netflix, with the second volume set to debut on Thursday, December 15th. Don’t miss this intimate glimpse into the lives of the Sussexes and their enduring bond with Princess Diana.