Kelly Osbourne, known for her role in The Osbournes Podcast and as the daughter of rock legend Ozzy Osbourne, recently opened up about a significant decision she and her partner, Sid Wilson of Slipknot, have made regarding their son’s name.

In a heartfelt episode of The Osbournes Podcast, Kelly revealed that she and Sid had a heated disagreement about their son’s name. Kelly wanted their child to have both their last names, but Sid disagreed, citing tradition as his reason. This disagreement caused a major rift between them.

Kelly expressed her frustration, saying, “I wanted our son to have both of our last names, and (Sid) wouldn’t let me. We had a huge fight. I feel like I was forced into doing something I didn’t want to do, and I can never ever forgive him for that, but we can move on.”

However, after engaging in eye-opening conversations and couples therapy, Sid had a change of heart. Kelly happily shared, “After lots of discussions and therapy, he has seen the light. We are going to legally change our son’s name to have both of our last names. We both made our child, so he should have both of our last names.”

Kelly’s mother, Sharon Osbourne, joined the podcast conversation and expressed her opinion that naming children after their parents is a “very dated” trend. Kelly, in response, passionately defended her decision, stating, “Don’t even get me started, Mom. Because it goes Sid’s dad, then Sid, and now our son. Sid told me that his grandfather had the same name, but he didn’t! His grandfather’s name was Fred.”

Despite their initial disagreement, Kelly admitted that her son’s name has grown on her and that she is embracing this new change. She urged listeners to share her announcement with their family and friends on Facebook.

This decision by Kelly and Sid to change their son’s name showcases the importance of compromise and open communication in a relationship. It also challenges traditional norms and emphasizes the significance of both parents’ contributions to their child’s identity.

We applaud Kelly for sharing her personal journey and wish her and Sid all the best as they embark on this new chapter with their son.