Julia Roberts, the famous actress known for her captivating roles in movies like “Pretty Woman,” has chosen to take on a new and fulfilling role as a stay-at-home mom. Stepping away from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, she now devotes herself to her husband, Henry Daniel Moder, and their three kids – twins Hazel and Phinneas, and their son, Henry.

Embracing the responsibilities of homemaking, Julia has found immense fulfillment in her new role. She begins her day by cooking breakfast for her family, taking care of household chores, and preparing meals. These simple tasks fill her days with purpose and productivity. Reflecting on her life before motherhood, she now appreciates the value of time much more, realizing that she once had spare time that she didn’t fully utilize.

Admittedly, there are days when Julia feels the monotony that any other mom or wife might experience. However, she approaches each day with a positive attitude, understanding that while some days are more enjoyable than others, it’s all part of the routine of family life. And in the end, it’s these everyday moments that truly matter.

Even though Julia has taken a step back from acting, she hasn’t completely retired from the industry. She remains open to compelling projects that pique her interest. However, she may require more convincing to take on new roles. When she comes across a project with an intriguing plot or character, she still feels the temptation to return to the screen.

What’s truly remarkable is that Julia has kept her Hollywood fame a secret from her children for a significant amount of time. By doing so, she has allowed them to grow up without fully realizing their mother’s celebrity status. Immersed in her role as a mom and homemaker, she has created a nurturing and grounded environment for her family, where their well-being is prioritized above all.