Welcome to my home-keeping adventures, where I’ve discovered the secrets to not only cleaning pillows but restoring their original white luster. As we age, our pillows, pillow covers, and mattress protectors can accumulate sweat and body oils, resulting in a yellowish tint. But fear not, I’ve experimented with various cleaning methods and I’m excited to share my insights with you. Let’s dive in!
The Initial Approach: Freshening Up Yellowed Pillows
Before we begin, a small word of caution. I have previously laundered and dried my pillows, which can sometimes set stains in. So, I knew I had a challenge ahead of me. Although it may be hard to spot the yellowish stains on my slightly off-white pillows, trust me, they’re there. You’ll see them in the images that follow. I also decided to wash my pillowcase covers to test if the same cleaning procedure would work for them and potentially for mattress pads too.
My initial approach involved the use of 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide as a bleach substitute. To boost the cleaning power, I added 1/2 cup of vinegar, known for its stain-breaking abilities and fabric softening properties.
Note: When using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, it’s important to keep them separate. Mixing them directly in the same container can result in the formation of corrosive acid. So, use them in succession, but not together.
To further enhance the cleaning process and leave a refreshing scent, I poured in 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Lemon juice, like vinegar, has acidic properties that break down stains effectively.
Once your pillows are fully immersed, let them soak for 30 minutes. Flip them over to ensure both sides are thoroughly soaked, and leave them for an additional 30 minutes.
Revitalizing Yellowed Pillows
After the first half-hour, I wasn’t completely satisfied with the progress. So, I decided to add another cup of hydrogen peroxide. Remember, the quantities may vary depending on the size of your washing machine. In total, I used 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup of vinegar, and 1/4 cup of lemon juice.
Next, add your preferred laundry detergent and run a standard washing cycle.
Inspect your pillows after the wash. If they’ve reached the desired level of cleanliness, like mine did, you can proceed to dry them. If not, you may need to repeat the process or consider an alternate method, which I’ll address shortly.
When drying the pillows, use a low setting on your dryer and allow approximately 30 minutes for them to dry completely.
The Results: Revitalized Pillows
Emerging from the dryer, my pillows were a sight for sore eyes! I was incredibly pleased with the results. The yellowish stains were gone, and the pillows looked as good as new.
Exploring Other Methods: A Color-Safe Option
Now, let’s talk about another method I experimented with, which is color-safe. For the next batch of pillows, I soaked them in a mixture of 1 cup of laundry detergent, 1 cup of washing soda, 1 cup of Borax, and 1 cup of Castile soap. Following a similar soaking and flipping process as before, I ran the wash cycle.
The change was noticeable, but I must admit that one pillow remained slightly yellower than I would have liked. However, these methods provide excellent bleach-free alternatives for those who wish to avoid harsh chemicals. They have proven to be effective for pillows, pillow covers, and even mattress pads.
So, if you’re looking to restore the sparkle and whiteness of your pillows, give these methods a try. You’ll be amazed at the transformation and enjoy the fresh, clean feel of your pillows once again!