Driving past a farm, a man accidentally runs over a rooster. Feeling remorseful, he decides to take responsibility for his actions and approaches the farmhouse to apologize. The man explains the situation to the farmer and offers to replace the rooster.

Perplexed, the farmer takes a moment to process the situation. He then responds, “Well, if you really want to go around back and mate with the hens, be my guest. But I’d rather you just pay for a new rooster.” The man realizes the miscommunication and laughs at the witty response by the farmer.

In another farm not too far away, a farmer wants to expand his chicken population and produce adorable chicks. However, he faces a problem – he has 200 hens but no rooster. Determined to find a solution, he sets out to find a rooster to meet the needs of his hens.

Fortunately, he encounters a neighboring farmer who has a legendary rooster named Randy. The farmer describes Randy as an exceptional rooster, capable of servicing all the chickens in the flock without any difficulty. Intrigued, the farmer decides to invest in Randy, despite the high cost.

Excited about his new acquisition, the farmer brings Randy to the barnyard and shares some words of encouragement, “Randy, I want you to take your time and enjoy your work. You have plenty of chickens to service, and you were quite expensive. Make sure to do a great job.” Randy seems to understand, and with a nod from the farmer, he heads towards the henhouse.

To the farmer’s astonishment, Randy swiftly and skillfully fulfills his duties, satisfying every hen in the henhouse multiple times. This unexpected display of productivity leaves the farmer bewildered.

As time progresses, Randy’s escapades continue. The farmer discovers Randy in the duck pen, and soon after, he witnesses Randy pursuing a flock of geese by the lake. Each time, Randy proves himself to be an efficient and relentless rooster.

As the sun begins to set, Randy pursues quail and pheasants in the fields. The farmer becomes increasingly concerned about Randy’s well-being, fearing that the energetic rooster may exhaust himself in less than 24 hours.

Sadly, the farmer’s worst fears come true. The next morning, he discovers Randy lifeless in the middle of the yard, with buzzards ominously circling overhead. Saddened by the loss of his colorful and expensive rooster, the farmer shakes his head in disappointment.

In a surprising turn of events, Randy opens one eye, acknowledging the approaching buzzards, and playfully says, “Shhh. They’re getting closer.” Even in death, Randy manages to maintain his mischievous spirit.

What a little joker!