Gretchen Dillon, a 36-year-old woman from New York, never expected to fall in love with a man 27 years older than her. But fate had its own plans when she met Michael Dillon, a 63-year-old man, at a grocery store in Syracuse, New York, back in 2014. What started as a chance encounter soon bloomed into a beautiful relationship.

Their unconventional love story has not been without its challenges. The couple has faced judgment from family, friends, and even strangers. Many mistake Michael as the grandfather of their infant son, Shannon. But Gretchen and Michael have learned to brush off these misconceptions with laughter.

Gretchen’s friends initially tried to discourage her from marrying Michael. They couldn’t understand why she would choose to be with someone almost three decades older. But love knows no age, and Gretchen was determined to follow her heart. She decided to cut off the friend who couldn’t support her happiness.

Similarly, Michael’s friends had their doubts as well. But as they spent more time with Gretchen and saw the love between the couple, they too realized that age is just a number.

Gretchen admits that she had some reservations during their first intimate encounter. She was taken aback by the fact that she was with an older man. However, with time, she embraced their love and now couldn’t be happier. In October 2021, they welcomed their son, Shannon, into the world. Michael, who already had a child from a previous relationship, embraced his role as a father with open arms.

Despite his age, Michael proves to be an amazing dad. Though he may not have the same physical stamina as younger fathers, his knowledge and experience make him an exceptional parent. He may not be able to run around with Shannon all day, but he is a hands-on dad who takes joy in spending quality time with his son.

Just like people mistake Michael for Gretchen’s father, they often assume he is Shannon’s granddad. But for this loving couple, it’s just another humorous aspect of their unique relationship. They take it in stride and cherish the laughter it brings.

Of course, there are challenges that come with raising a child when there is an age difference. Shannon sometimes brings home viruses from his playgroup that Michael’s immune system can’t easily fight off. But Gretchen and Michael have learned to take precautions to keep him healthy.

Through it all, Gretchen’s advice to others in similar situations is simple: follow your heart. Life is too short to be unhappy. Age should never be a barrier to love. And for Gretchen and Michael, their love is proof that age truly is just a number.