Found this at a yard sale but I have no idea what it is. Thoughts? -

Remember those history classes back in school? We might have forgotten most of what we learned, but there are some intriguing things from the past that can still captivate us. And today, we have something fascinating to share with you.

Take a look at the image above. It’s an artifact from history that was used by millions of people, but it’s not something commonly recognized nowadays. In fact, we would bet that most people wouldn’t even know what it is.

Would you believe it? This curious little device has to do with laundry. Yes, you heard that right! Doing laundry is an age-old practice that has been carried out for thousands of years. Throughout history, the methods of doing laundry have changed, evolving with the passing centuries.

The contraption you see in these images actually made life easier for people when it came to laundry. Imagine all the steps involved in the process – hauling water, boiling it, washing, rinsing, wringing out the clothes, and drying them. It was quite a laborious task!