Oriini Kaipara, a trailblazing TV presenter with a traditional Māori face tattoo, is taking a stand against online trolls. When one viewer took offense to her moko kauae (a sacred Māori facial tattoo worn by women), Kaipara responded with grace and pride in her cultural heritage.

For the Māori people, the moko kauae is a deeply meaningful symbol. It represents family ties, leadership within the community, and a way to pay homage to ancestry, status, and abilities. Kaipara’s decision to proudly wear her moko kauae on primetime TV marks a significant milestone, breaking down barriers and showcasing her rich heritage.

In the face of criticism from a viewer named David, Kaipara chose to address the issue head-on. She shared screenshots of David’s email on her Instagram story and responded with dignity. Politely correcting his misspelling of “moko,” Kaipara made it clear that Māori tattoos and their bearers are not to be feared, but rather respected. She urged David to refrain from making further complaints and encouraged him to learn more about Māori culture to avoid cultural ignorance.

Despite encountering the occasional cruel troll like David, Kaipara has received an overwhelming amount of positive comments. She emphasizes the need for more Māori advocates in influential positions and believes that her mere existence challenges some people’s narrow perspectives. By embracing her cultural identity with pride and resilience, she serves as a powerful role model for others to do the same.

Let Oriini Kaipara’s dignified response serve as a reminder to us all – celebrating cultural identity should be done unapologetically, and we should always stand up against discrimination and prejudice.