Kym Beechey, an avid hiker in Australia’s Popran National Park, had a surprising encounter with what she initially believed to be a baby tawny frogmouth bird. Excited to capture the elusive bird on camera, she quickly reached for her phone to take a photo of the smiling creature perched on a limb.

To her dismay, upon zooming in, Beechey realized that the bird she had thought was smiling at her was actually a banksia pod. These pods, resembling a smiling baby bird, grow on banksia trees found in southwestern Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea.

While banksia pods are often compared to pine cones, they are not related to pine trees at all. These unique pods are actually fruits of the banksia tree and burst open to release their seeds. The Bull Banksia species produces large and durable pods that can be used for various wood applications.

Despite the disappointment of mistaking a pod for a bird, Beechey saw the humor in the situation and had a good laugh. She viewed the experience as a pleasant one, adding another unique photo to her collection of wildflowers.

Have you ever come across a plant that resembled something else, perhaps a bird or another animal?