Maria, a woman in her late 40s, reluctantly joins Tinder after her divorce. Little does she know, this decision will lead to the shocking discovery of her husband’s deceit.

One day, as Maria scrolls through profiles on the app, she comes across her ex-husband’s profile. Confused and curious, she decides to text him. After exchanging a few messages, they agree to meet in person.

Filled with a mix of emotions, Maria arrives at the meeting place, hoping to see her late spouse. But to her astonishment, the man who shows up is not him. Feeling uneasy, she immediately contacts her friend Jane for support. However, Maria is met with another surprise – Jane is nowhere to be found as she has left for the airport.

Determined to uncover the truth, Maria digs deeper into the situation. In her investigation, she discovers that Jane has been behaving strangely lately. This raises suspicion and intensifies her desire to uncover the truth.

With the help of the police, the missing puzzle pieces start falling into place. They trace the money from Maria’s husband’s account to Austria. The danger doesn’t deter Maria as she makes the brave decision to continue her search for answers.

Finally, Detective Martinez delivers the shocking revelation – Jane and Maria’s husband were apprehended while attempting to enter Switzerland. It turns out that their elaborate plan involved faking his death to escape financial difficulties caused by their affair and his failing business.

Maria’s world shatters when she confronts them at the police station. This betrayal was not something she could have ever imagined. However, instead of dwelling in anger and sadness, Maria chooses to move forward in search of closure and a fresh start.

In this gripping and emotional story, Maria’s unwavering determination leads to the unraveling of a complex deception. Through her journey, she finds the strength to rebuild her life after the painful betrayal. Let this tale be a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is always hope for a brighter future.