Imagine going on a first date that doesn’t go quite as expected. This is exactly what happened to a woman who recently blocked a man after their date. She took to Reddit to share her experience and seek validation from the online community.

First dates can be nerve-wracking, and many people have horror stories to share. This woman’s story is definitely one for the books. The couple went to an expensive restaurant of her choice, where the man graciously paid the bill. However, instead of giving him another chance, she decided to block him.

When the woman was initially asked out on a date, she had no particular restaurant in mind. But when the man asked about her favorite spot, she was honest and mentioned an expensive establishment. She did suggest a more casual option, a Mexican restaurant that offered great food at a better price. However, despite the cost, the man insisted on dining at her favorite restaurant because he wanted to try the food.

The woman usually reserved visits to her favorite restaurant for special occasions or when she wanted to treat herself. On a first date, she was more interested in getting to know the person rather than satisfying her stomach. Despite this, they dined at the fancy restaurant and ordered appetizers, main courses, drinks, and even dessert.

When the bill arrived, both of them offered to split it. The woman hesitated but eventually agreed, considering that the man had asked her out and insisted on this restaurant. However, something unexpected happened. When the man saw the bill, he grabbed her card and said, “Oh, now I finally know your last name.”

This comment made the woman uncomfortable because she works as a bartender and understands the potential risks associated with revealing personal information. She also suspected that the man was playing mind games with her to see if she would pay half of the $250 bill.

Annoyed by his behavior and feeling like he violated her privacy, she thanked him for the dinner and then blocked him. After receiving feedback on her Reddit post, she realized that she may have overreacted and sent the man money for her part of the bill. She also admitted that she shouldn’t have gone to such an expensive restaurant on a first date and learned her lesson.

The responses to her story were divided. Some supported her decision to cut off contact with someone who made her feel uncomfortable, while others felt that she may have overthought the situation. It’s important to remember that everyone’s perspective is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Dating can be complicated, and sometimes things don’t go as planned. In another story shared on Reddit, a man went on three dates with a woman before having a fourth date in the hospital while she was in labor. So, no matter how unusual or unexpected a date may turn out to be, remember that there are plenty of unique experiences out there.