We’ve all had our fair share of office frustrations, but how far would you go to protect your personal belongings? In a jaw-dropping workplace saga, a mother named Savannah came up with an unconventional tactic to deal with an office creamer thief: she substituted it with her own breast milk.

Instead of confronting the culprit directly, Savannah decided to make a statement by leaving a note on the container. The note read: “Good morning! To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week… surprise! You’ve been drinking my breast milk. Hope you’ve enjoyed. Cheers!” To add a playful touch, she even mentioned that it was organic, so no worries there.

This act of retaliation didn’t go unnoticed. It quickly sparked a lively discussion on social media, with opinions divided between finding the incident amusing and skeptics questioning its authenticity. While some people dismissed the story, claiming that no one would actually substitute creamer with breast milk, others shared their own encounters with office food and beverage thieves. The stories ranged from labeling items as “lab experiments” to leaving tempting “bait” like string cheese.

What makes this incident even more interesting is the broader conversation it has sparked about workplace etiquette and the lengths individuals might go to protect their personal belongings. Although there are skeptics, there’s no denying that this anecdote has become a hot topic, showcasing the creativity people bring to addressing workplace challenges.

Credit: Reddit