It’s that time of year when many people catch a cold or flu. It’s often nothing to worry about, and with some rest, we usually bounce back. But what if the symptoms persist? Should you ignore them or seek medical advice?

While your body can usually fight off most viruses, there are cases where a persistent cough could indicate something more serious. Just ask 16-year-old Shayla Mitchell and her dad, Tom.

Shayla had been experiencing a nagging cough that wouldn’t go away. At first, she thought it was sinusitis, but when the symptoms worsened, she asked her dad to take her to the doctor.

After a thorough examination, the doctor delivered devastating news. Shayla had a massive cancerous tumor that had taken up almost two-thirds of her breasts, causing one of her lungs to collapse. The cough was a result of this underlying condition.

Despite the shocking diagnosis, Shayla and her dad decided to have dinner together, even if it meant having it in the hospital. Little did they know that they would spend the next 450 meals in the pediatric oncology unit at Fairfax Hospital.

Shayla was fighting advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and the prognosis didn’t look good. But her dad wanted to show his unwavering support, so he bought matching bracelets for them both. He promised to wear his every day until Shayla beat the cancer.

Over the next few years, Tom stood by his daughter’s side, enduring countless hours of tests, treatments, and tough moments. He was there during the highs and lows, holding her hair as she vomited, laughing and crying together, and being brave alongside her.

But despite the relentless battle, there came a day when the doctors admitted they could do no more. Shayla’s body wasn’t responding to treatment, and a bone marrow transplant had failed.

The weight of the situation rested heavily on Tom’s shoulders. How would he find the strength to tell his beloved daughter that she was going to die? But as the saying goes, “Can a man still be brave if he is afraid? … That is the only time he CAN be brave.”

With a heavy heart, Tom had the conversation with Shayla. Surprisingly, it turned out to be the most beautiful and magical moment in his life. As he finished speaking, Shayla whispered back to him, asking if she was still brave.

In that moment, Tom saw the pain in his daughter’s eyes and realized that she had been fighting not just for herself but also for him. A few days later, Shayla passed away, leaving Tom devastated but certain that she had fulfilled her promise and remained brave until the end.

This heart-wrenching story reminds us of the preciousness of life and the strength that resides within us. Shayla’s determination and Tom’s unwavering support serve as a testament to the power of love and bravery.

“I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life.”
-D. Worley