In a powerful and heartfelt Facebook post, Taylar Cordova, a waitress from Colorado, shed light on the struggles of working in the service industry. Cordova’s post was prompted by a customer who left her a $0 tip on a bill totaling $187.43.

Cordova’s Facebook post, which has since been shared over 15,000 times, serves as a reminder to the public about the importance of tipping and the impact it has on the lives of servers. Her message resonates with anyone who has ever underestimated the value of leaving a gratuity.

The Consequences of Not Tipping

When a server is not properly tipped, it adds financial strain to their already meager income. Cordova eloquently explains that forgoing a tip means that a server must bear the burden of an unpaid bill. This can directly affect their ability to provide for themselves and their families.

Many people may not realize that servers have a base pay as low as $2-5 per hour. The U.S. Department of Labor confirms this fact, stating that employers are only required to supplement a tipped employee’s income if their tips do not add up to meet the federal minimum wage.

A Lesson in Empathy and Gratitude

Cordova’s message serves as a powerful lesson in empathy and gratitude. She challenges individuals who cannot afford to tip to reconsider dining out altogether. Instead, she suggests opting for more affordable alternatives, such as fast food.

By sharing her personal experience and shedding light on the struggles faced by servers, Cordova hopes to inspire a shift in perspective and promote a greater understanding of the realities of working in the service industry.

Waitress Gets '$0' Tip On '$187' Bill