Alice stood outside her ex-husband’s lavish mansion, her heart heavy with the pain of betrayal. She never could have predicted that her once perfect fairytale marriage to Lucas, a billionaire, would crumble in such a cruel manner.

As Alice held onto her son’s hand, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of bitterness towards Lucas, who had manipulated her for his own personal gain. All the love and promises had been nothing but lies.

Just when Alice thought things couldn’t get worse, she received an unexpected call from Lucas’s parents, who had always treated her like their own daughter. They pleaded with her to return to the mansion, giving her a glimmer of hope for reconciliation.

Reluctantly, Alice agreed, hoping against hope that she could salvage what was left of her shattered marriage. But as she approached the mansion, her hopes came crashing down. Lucas looked distraught, and there was a mysterious stranger standing beside him.

Suddenly, the stranger spoke up, his handsome face filled with concern. He recognized Alice and urged her to leave with him, insisting that Lucas was not worth her time. Confused and skeptical, Alice demanded to know who this stranger was.

But as the stranger approached her, a flicker of recognition crossed his eyes. He explained that they had met before, though she couldn’t remember. Alice’s curiosity grew, and she felt a mysterious excitement surging through her.

Who was this man? And what did he mean by their paths crossing before? As Alice looked into his eyes, she felt an unexpected turn in her life, a path that would lead her to discover a world she had never imagined.