Unexpected Revelations: The Shocking Response to Pregnancy News

“Lady Informs Fiancé’s Family She Is Pregnant, ‘He’s Infertile!’ His Mom Says”

Chris’s relationship with Amanda was not accepted by his parents. They had just received some startling medical news, so when she revealed she was pregnant over the dinner, they hurried to label her a cheater. Never again would their lives be the same.

With a sigh, Chris said, “I just want to get this over with,” in front of his parents’ door.

His wife Amanda stroked his arms and said, “They’re your parents, honey. We want them to finally accept me and come to our wedding, right?”

Chris moaned. “I really don’t care about that, Amanda. I’m sorry, but if they can’t accept the woman I love, I don’t want anything to do with them.”

“Please, honey. We have to make peace with them. What about the future? They’re family. We want them to be a part of our children’s lives, don’t we?” Amanda kept on smiling. The issue is that her husband’s mouth tightened without the young, attractive woman noticing.

Chris barely managed to maintain his cool in the wake of her remarks. Through rigid lips, he mumbled, “Yeah. I guess.”

He went on, “That’s… fine. When are you going to quit your job?”

Amanda chuckled and gave him a quick hug, saying, “Okay, now, cheer up. We’re in this together.”

Mrs. Castillo, Chris’s mother, opened the door with her trademark false smile, her lips moving just a little bit.

She moved and gave a little nod, “Hello, Amanda. It’s nice to see you,” so they could pass through the door.

Chris felt like giving a scowl. He and Amanda had not been together for years. Even when they were engaged, his parents were still bitter over her choice and continued to see her as the one who “ruined their plans.” They wanted their son with someone else.

Ciara, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey, was introduced to Chris by his parents when he graduated from college and started his first job. Her father was widely respected in their town and served on the board of a nearby private clinic.

Chris’s family, the Castillo family, had always been well-off because of the investments made by their great-grandfather. Chris was not really into that kind of thing. The opinions of people and prestige were very important to his parents.

But while in college, he met the most incredible people from all areas of life. It was then that he recognized the girls he had been exposed to at country club events and private school were not for him, and it really impacted his life. He desired a true woman.

And there was Amanda. After working there for a few years, he ran into her as he was leaving a parking lot. He tried to joke around, smile, and ask her out right soon since he felt that it was love at first sight.

She was annoyed by his approaches because she worked at a building nearby. Nevertheless, she eventually accepted a date, and they have been dating ever since.

It was a disaster her first meeting his folks. As soon as Chris left the restaurant table to go the restroom, they told her to end the relationship.

His mother spoke softly, but her expression was devoid of humanity. “She’s an assistant. Why can’t you date Ciara? She adores you. This is not the girl for you,” she replied.

His father said, shaking his head, “Listen to your mother, son. You must marry a woman from your own ugh ugh class. It won’t work otherwise.”

He spoke firmly but subtly, “The two of you need to shut up. I will not listen to this. Ciara is a vapid little princess, and I don’t want to be near her… ever!”

Dinner went on after Amanda came back to the table. This meeting was not pleasant, since his parents never wore a poker face. But after those remarks, it was worse, and Amanda could feel it.

She understood when he later gave his parents an explanation, and she advised him to be patient. But they still hadn’t warmed up after all this time. They were good in front of her, but they were bad behind her back. They mostly put up with her, especially after they became engaged. For now, though, she held onto optimism. Amanda tended to see the bright side of things. She still called his mother to arrange dinners, and she was informed about some of the wedding plans.

Amanda had only been secretive about the fact that they were already in the process of trying for a child. That’s what she wanted to be a surprise. Hopefully, when Mr. and Mrs. Castillo began having children, they would finally warm up.

Seated at his parent’s dinner table, Chris’s main thought was to get this gathering over with as soon as possible. It was vital that he tell his fiancée what was on his mind. It could permanently alter the dynamics of their relationship. Maybe she will decide to break up with him.

“They don’t know what they’re missing. Let them eat cake in their country clubs while you and I find real happiness.”

When he got the news a few days ago, he had really discussed it with his parents. They didn’t really say anything about it. They maintained their stern expressions despite displaying anguish and worry on their faces.

His mother advised him, “If Amanda leaves you, let her do it,” but Chris would die if that happened. That’s why he hadn’t wanted to tell her the truth.

“So,” his father said, startling Chris out of his reverie. “So, Amanda,” “How’s work?”

Happily, that they were interested in her, she responded, “Oh, Mr. Castillo. Work is going great. My boss has this huge event coming up, and I’m helping plan everything. It’s been fun, actually,”

He went on, “That’s… fine. When are you going to quit your job?”

“Excuse me?”

“To be a housewife, you have to quit,” Mr. Castillo explained.

“I’m not quitting,” a perplexed Amanda declared.

“She’s going to keep working, Dad,” Chris irritatedly interrupted.

“That’s okay, darling. Amanda is a modern woman after all,” his mother remarked, not quite grinning but also not furious.

Amanda uttered, “Well, I don’t know my plans yet. It’ll depend on the future,” with a worried swallow. “Speaking of which, I have an announcement. I’m pregnant!”

There was an intense stillness at the table that felt like it lasted hours, even though it was just for a little while. Amanda had believed that having a child would finally allow this family to embrace her, but she was unaware of what Chris had recently found out.

Mrs. Castillo was the first to break the stillness. Seething, she shouted, “He’s infertile!” Her rage had nearly turned her eyes red.

Chris was stunned and motionless. They had been expecting for this, having been intimate without protection for some time. However, recent medical tests have shown that he is incapable of fathering children. This implied that Amanda had lied.


Amanda shook her head quickly, unsure of what to do. “Baby trap him? Mrs. Castillo, Chris and I have been trying for months. We wanted to surprise you and start our family right away. What do you mean by infertile? That’s impossible!” Amanda said.

After using a cotton napkin to wipe his mouth, Mr. Castillo got up. “Get out of this house immediately. Never show your face near my son again, or we will get a restraining order,” he said calmly.

Amanda implored her fiancé, “Sir! Chris, please. Do something. I don’t understand!” but Chris was immobile. Mrs. Castillo suddenly grabbed Amanda by the hair and dragged her in the direction of the front door.

With mocking tone, the elder woman exclaimed, “Get out of here now!”

Amanda kept calling out to Chris, but she gripped onto her hair to avoid more suffering. It was pointless. He remained seated at the table, staring at his plate without getting up.

Amanda finally yelled, “CHRIS!” as the heavy front door crashed.

The days that followed were a disorienting fog. Chris left the test results on their kitchen counter as he moved out of their shared apartment. And he left a Post-it note.

He broke Amanda’s heart when he wrote, “I hope you have a happy life, but it won’t be with me. I was concerned and got tested. I’m infertile. Completely.”

The physician had to be mistaken. She was expecting a child, wholly Chris’s. It had been years since she had dated anyone else. How could this have happened? Why wouldn’t he communicate with me?

She tried to get in touch with Chris, but he declined. They phoned the police when she went to his parent’s house, and they warned her to leave or risk being arrested.

She screamed at the mansion and walked away, saying, “Fine! I’ll leave! I’ll raise this beautiful baby on my own! You’re the one missing out, and when you realize the truth, it’ll be too late!”

Amanda didn’t need to trap anyone, despite what the Castillo family attempted to suggest. Despite coming from a modest background, she did a fantastic job in her profession. Her coworkers were all eager to help her, and her employer had an excellent maternity leave program. She wasn’t worried because her boss loved her.

Mrs. Geoffrey laughed and waved her hand, “What? No, that was just our plan,”

The challenge was adjusting to a whole new future as a single mother and without Chris. But she could do it, too, if others could.

So she gave birth, called him Paul, and tried her hardest. At times, it felt oppressive to handle everything by herself, but she persisted every day for her son. The sole issue was that her child was an exact replica of Chris. It was hard to overlook.

“Those idiots,” she said as she put him to sleep. “They don’t know what they’re missing. Let them eat cake in their country clubs while you and I find real happiness.”

Chris made an effort to move on. After he moved out of his shared flat with Amanda, his normally chilly parents showed him a lot of support. For that, he was grateful. He could never have imagined Amanda being unfaithful to him. In spite of indisputable evidence, it didn’t seem plausible.

However, his parents assured him that things will get better soon. And even when you don’t want it to, life continues on. He went back to work, moved into a new apartment, and made an effort to block out the agony. Without Amanda, the future looked grim, but his parents made an effort to lift his spirits.

They invited him to supper one day, and Ciara was present. They got along surprisingly well, and she had lots of fascinating things to say. His parents were happy for him and supportive of the bond. Chris lacked the willpower to decline once more.

He and Ciara began dating. Even though they were moving slowly, he didn’t tell his mother no when she mentioned getting married in a country club. Alright. In his dark moments, he thought, If this is the life I deserve, then I’ll just let them arrange everything.

He was free of Amanda. He hoped only that the baby’s father was a decent man.

A year or so after Paul’s birth, Amanda happened upon someone as she was concentrating on her phone while strolling down the street.

She said, “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking,” but then she looked up and saw Chris. “Oh.”

“Amanda,” he gulped and spoke. “Hi.”

“Hello,” she stammered back. “Bye.”

Chris grabbed her hand and said, “Wait,” but she dropped her phone in the process. “Jeez, I’m sorry.”

The screen lit up when he lifted it up. His eyes focused on the screensaver, which was an image of her infant.

“Give me that,” Amanda yanked it out of his grasp, displaying her rage at last. “You don’t deserve to look at him.”

He muttered, gasping at seeing the picture, “Him?”

“Yes. My son,” she responded, bringing her chin up. “Mine. Alone.”

Her entire attitude took me by surprise. It had been a while after their breakup, so he could see why at first she would lie about straying. She was free to stop pretending.

Chris said, “I guess it didn’t work out with the father,” feeling like he should be upset with her for some reason.

“Well, it didn’t,” she said, arching her brows. “Bye, Chris.”

She then turned to go.

For a few days, Chris thought deeply about the circumstance. She had grabbed her phone too soon, so he didn’t really remember the newborn photo. But his eyes were a beautiful blue. Amanda had brown eyes. Of course, the father may be anybody.

However, her demeanor. It was so strange how she was accusing him without really saying anything. Could it be that he had been mistaken? that his physicians were mistaken?

Given that he had visited Ciara’s father’s private clinic, it didn’t seem likely. The likelihood of a false positive was unusual because they possessed all the newest technologies. However… How about if?

Ciara took him to her mother’s house for a meeting with the wedding planner, so he wasn’t able to give it any thought. Yes, they were in a fast-moving relationship. He was indifferent. He merely wished for his parents to stop talking about it.

It was an absurd situation all around. When Ciara and her mother were gathering things up, he had no idea why he was there. Upon his new fiancée’s departure, Mrs. Geoffrey turned her attention to him. She briefly discussed the wedding, the future, how she had always known this day would arrive, and other things.

She then exclaimed, “Oh, my god, and the babies you two will have. Precious!” all of a sudden.

“Life’s too short for grudges.”

“Babies? Mrs. Geoffrey, I’m infertile. You should know that. I got tested at your husband’s clinic, and everyone knows,” Chris said with a scowl.

Mrs. Geoffrey laughed and waved her hand, “What? No, that was just our plan,”

Chris said, his voice freezing, “Plan?”

It appeared that Mrs. Geoffrey merely realized her words at that point. Her hand shot to her mouth and her face went white. She stammered as she said, “I mean.. Ehhh, no. Those things have errors… I think IVF can work.”

And Chris was immediately aware of everything.

Ciara turned to go. Without looking around the room, she continued, “Okay, let’s continue.”

Unexpectedly, he added, “Darling, I’m glad you tricked me and I get to marry you now.” Ciara’s head snapped to face him.

She questioned, her smile beginning, “You know about that?”

“Ciara, please no!” her mom muttered.

Chris got up from the sofa. “Goodbye. I hope you two rot in hell.”

While Chris was driving to Amanda’s place, his mother was on the phone and told him the whole thing. Fortunately, he still had a duplicate of the key, and she had never left their shared apartment.

She cried, “Chris, you don’t understand!” but he was unaffected. He insisted on knowing the truth.

His outcomes did actually follow a strategy. A trick. a plan. A treachery. Everything was planned for him to leave Amanda and go see Ciara. Amanda’s mother had somehow found out how much she desired kids. They were going to keep themselves apart from the news.

However, after Amanda revealed that she was pregnant, their strategy worked even better. Mrs. Castillo pulled off a convincing performance. Everyone was aware. The technician who provided the incorrect results was paid off and later sacked by his parents, Ciara’s parents, and Ciara herself. Because he had only seen the phony laboratories and pictures, his doctor had even been tricked.

He told his mother, “You will never see me again,” and hung up.

After knocking and realizing Amanda wasn’t home, he chose to enter. As he walked into the second room, he was struck by the exquisite space she had created for their son. It had a blue tint. Toys were scattered around and clouds were painted on the walls.

Chris noticed that most things remained the same as he entered their bedroom. He took a seat on her side of the bed and felt like crying. But he needed to control himself and consider carefully. How am I going to make amends for everything and get her back? Does she think I’m telling the truth? He thought about it, but the tears started and wouldn’t go away.

He eventually nodded off.

“AAAAH!” exclaimed Amanda as she turned on her room’s light. “Get out of here! I’m calling the police!”

Chris leaped off the bed and exclaimed, “Amanda!” “Amanda! Amanda! It’s me!”

Amanda screamed, “Chris! Hell! How could you just walk in here? Are you insane? I was about to grab a knife!” and gave him a small shove in the shoulder before noticing his teary-eyed face. “Why are you here in the first place?”

Wetting his parched lips, he looked down and said, “We need to talk.”

She told her the whole tale and remarked, “I guess I’m not surprised, but it’s still… so unbelievable.”

Chris said, “Yeah,” nodding. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve believed you. I should’ve asked for more tests. I was shocked by the news, and I didn’t know if you would leave me because you always wanted a family. I was an idiot.”

“You were,” Amanda concurred. “But I guess it finally makes sense. Like… everything fits. I’m not saying it’s right. But I get it.”

“Is there any way you can forgive me?”

“Life’s too short for grudges.”

“And is there any way I can be in his life?”

Amanda looked down and said, “That I don’t know.” “It’s been… hard. It’s been lonely. It’s not what we planned together. I don’t know if there’s any going back.”

Tears welled up in her eyes, the ones she had been holding back for nearly two years, streaming down her cheeks slowly. Chris sobbed alongside her.

“Even if we can’t continue where we left off, you and him are my family. My only family,” he vowed, and Amanda could tell by the ache and puffiness in his eyes that he was determined. “I know it’ll take me forever, but I will make this up to you.”

“As you should meet Paul, your son, first,” Amanda said while dabbing at her face. “And then, we probably need to think about suing Mr. Geoffrey.”

Chris simultaneously wept and laughed. Despite everything, she remained her normal pleasant self, and she was correct as always. He required legal counsel.

What lessons may we draw from this tale? **Always seek two opinions.**In the medical field, false positives are always possible, so you should always double verify a diagnosis that looks excessively severe with another doctor. **Allow your companion to clarify and give them the benefit of the doubt.**If Chris had let Amanda speak, he could have spared himself a great deal of suffering. It’s possible that the plot was uncovered right away.