Mom Goes To Bathroom To Breastfeed Baby, Then Waitress Slips Note To Her Husband - NEWS20CLICK

Jackie Johnson-Smith recently experienced a heartwarming act of kindness during a family dinner at a pizza parlor in Iowa. While nursing her fussy baby at the table, a waitress named Bodi Kinney slipped a note to Jackie’s husband. The note expressed support and admiration for Jackie’s decision to breastfeed her child.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

Jackie shared the heartwarming experience on her Facebook page, accompanied by a photo of the bill receipt. She expressed her gratitude for the waitress’s gesture and the positive impact it had on her. She mentioned that she had breastfed her three children in various places, encountering both encouraging and judgmental reactions. However, this act of kindness stood out as a particularly special moment.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

Jackie’s post resonated with many people, highlighting the importance of women supporting and empowering each other. While breastfeeding is a natural and necessary part of motherhood, it can sometimes be met with criticism or discomfort. This incident serves as a reminder that acts of kindness and understanding can make a significant difference in a mother’s experience.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

Bodi Kinney, the waitress who wrote the note, believes that it is essential for women to come together and support each other in their choices regarding breastfeeding. This act of empathy and encouragement from Bodi exemplifies the power of solidarity among women.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

This heartwarming story is a reminder that small acts of kindness can have a profound impact. By supporting and empowering each other, we can create a nurturing and inclusive environment for all mothers.