We’ve all seen on-screen relationships between actors and actresses turn into real-life love stories, but it’s not just romantic relationships that can blossom in Hollywood. Some friendships between actors are just as genuine and long-lasting. A perfect example of this is the remarkable friendship between Tim Allen and his “Toy Story” co-star Tom Hanks.

Just the thought of these incredible A-list stars being best friends in real life makes us go ‘aww.’ In a recent interview on the Kelly Clarkson show, Allen spoke fondly of his friendship with Tom Hanks, or ‘Mr. Nice Guy,’ as he is often referred to. Hanks has played many iconic roles throughout his career, including Forrest Gump and Philadelphia, for which he won consecutive Academy Awards for Best Actor.

“He and I differ on so many things. I adore that man’s heart and mind,” Allen said of Hanks. It’s heartwarming to see two talented individuals with different opinions come together and form such a strong bond.

The enduring friendship between these two actors can be traced back to the “Toy Story” franchise, where they voice the beloved characters Buzz Lightyear and Woody. Their bond goes “to infinity and beyond,” just like their on-screen counterparts.

But their friendship extends beyond the recording studio. Allen revealed that they have been going to lunch together since the first “Toy Story” movie and continue to do so twice a year. He humorously described their lunch dates, saying, “We’re like two older women ’cause we will sit almost too close to each other at a booth. It’s just weird.”

During the filming of “Toy Story 1,” Hanks playfully took some fries from Allen’s plate, which had a hilarious and unexpected reaction. Allen grew up in a home where taking food from someone else’s plate was simply not done. It’s little moments like these that show the depth and authenticity of their friendship.

Allen further expressed his trust and admiration for Hanks, saying, “I don’t think I’ve ever trusted a human being as much as Tom to even listen to me and vice versa. We have very different opinions on so many things, but he’s gotten me to accept – he’s really a wonderful and engaging person. He’s the first guy to listen to me and doesn’t judge.”

Both Allen and Hanks have had incredibly successful careers in Hollywood, and it’s heartwarming to see that their friendship has stood the test of time. They may have different views and perspectives, but they embrace each other’s differences and genuinely enjoy each other’s company.

In an industry where relationships can be fleeting, it’s refreshing to witness a friendship as strong and enduring as Tim Allen and Tom Hanks’. They serve as a reminder that genuine connections can be formed, even in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood.

So the next time you watch a “Toy Story” movie, remember that behind the iconic voices of Buzz Lightyear and Woody are two actors who share a deep and unbreakable bond.