Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Republican presidential primary front-runner Donald Trump reignited the issue of Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, vowing to roll it back if he returns to the White House. Trump took to his social media platform, Truth Social, on Saturday to express his concerns about the soaring cost of Obamacare and the need for alternative solutions.

Trump’s stance on Obamacare is a contentious issue for him and his party. A recent NBC News poll conducted from September 15–19, showed that voters trust Democrats over Republicans when it comes to healthcare by a significant margin of 45% to 22%. Furthermore, Democrats continue to lag behind the GOP on various other issues, including the economy, immigration, and crime.

It is worth noting that during the 2022 midterm elections, Republican candidates refrained from calling for the elimination of the Affordable Care Act after their failed attempts to repeal it led to electoral setbacks. However, Trump seems determined to bring this issue back to the forefront in 2024.

In response to Trump’s statements, President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign struck back, emphasizing the positive impact of the Affordable Care Act on millions of Americans. Ammar Moussa, a spokesperson for the campaign, highlighted that over 40 million people, or more than 1 in 10 Americans, currently have health insurance because of the ACA. Moussa expressed concerns that Trump’s return to power could potentially threaten this progress. He noted that Trump was just one vote away from dismantling the ACA during his presidency and urged people to take his words seriously.

Biden’s campaign plans to actively counter Trump’s stance on the ACA, aiming to draw attention to the potential consequences of repealing the law. They intend to emphasize the unpopularity of Trump’s agenda among the American public and will employ various tactics to get their message across.

The ACA has been a divisive issue since its inception in 2010, but it has gained support over time as its most popular provisions came into effect. The law offers crucial consumer protections, such as preventing insurers from denying coverage or charging higher prices for individuals with pre-existing conditions. It also allows young people to stay on their parent’s insurance plan until the age of 27.

Biden’s campaign intends to highlight these provisions and underscore the potential negative impact of undoing the ACA. Moussa reiterated that Trump’s vision of America would result in millions of people losing their health insurance while facing exorbitant costs for healthcare.

As the election approaches, the future of the Affordable Care Act hangs in the balance. Trump would need to win the 2024 election with a Republican-controlled Congress to have any chance of undoing the law. Healthcare remains a critical issue for voters, and the policy stances of both candidates will undoubtedly influence the outcome of the election.