Imagine a group of brave and clever kids who became heroes by outsmarting criminals. That’s exactly what happened during a thrilling adventure that unfolded right before our eyes.

These incredible youngsters, known as the “Tremendous Twelve,” captured the attention of the world after showing their extraordinary problem-solving skills. They ingeniously created a human arrow to guide a police helicopter towards two fleeing burglary suspects. And to make it even more exciting, they had their loyal furry friend, Molly the Yorkshire terrier, by their side, just like the characters in Enid Blyton’s beloved stories.

The children, aged between six and twelve, recently spoke to The Mail on Sunday about their remarkable experience for the first time. They expressed their sense of pride, describing the event as truly awesome. It all began when they were on an Easter egg hunt in a field near Capel, Surrey. Suddenly, they noticed a police helicopter circling above, creating quite a commotion.

“We could hear the loud noise, and we saw ‘police’ written on the bottom of the helicopter,” recalled one of the nine-year-old girls. As they looked closer, they spotted a man sprinting along the edge of the field, swiftly removing his jumper and covering his head with it.

Determined to catch the attention of the helicopter pilot, the children tried their best to yell and scream. However, to their frustration, the chopper seemed to be pointing in the wrong direction. But then, one of the kids had a brilliant idea.

One of the children suggested, “Let’s form an arrow!” Without wasting a moment, they quickly arranged themselves on the ground in the shape of an arrow, pointing towards the fleeing man. It was a spontaneous act of genius!

After waiting patiently in the muddy field for about a minute, their efforts paid off. The helicopter started heading towards them, following the human arrow. Can you imagine the excitement and adrenaline coursing through their veins?

This heartwarming story of bravery and quick thinking showcases the incredible potential that lies within our children. It reminds us that heroes come in all sizes, and sometimes, they have four legs too. These young heroes have taught us that anyone has the power to make a difference, regardless of their age.

So, the next time you encounter a challenge, remember the Tremendous Twelve and their fearless spirit. Who knows, you might just be the hero that the world needs!