Husband Lays on Couch All Day Ignoring Wife’s Pleas for Help until Ambulance Takes Her Away - Glorious Time

Richard Franklin was going through a tough time. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, his successful career as a travel agent came crashing down, leaving him unemployed. With no prospects on the horizon, Richard found solace in a life of laziness, spending his days on the couch, engrossed in video games and indulging in snacks and beer.

Meanwhile, his wife Sharon, a hardworking software developer, was shouldering all the responsibilities. She worked tirelessly to support their household and make ends meet. But as time went on, the burden began to take a toll on her. She desperately needed Richard’s help, but he turned a blind eye to her pleas.

When Sharon asked Richard to lend a hand with household chores, he arrogantly refused. He even had the audacity to suggest that she should pay him for his services. Sharon was taken aback by his response. After all, she had been supporting him selflessly without expecting anything in return.

It never crossed Richard’s mind that his wife was working herself to the bone to support their family. He failed to see that lending a hand around the house was not just an obligation, but a way of showing love and appreciation for his wife’s efforts.

One day, Richard’s best friend announced his upcoming wedding and invited Richard to a bachelor’s party in Las Vegas. Excited by the prospect, Richard approached Sharon for the money he needed for the trip. But Sharon, exhausted by Richard’s selfishness, had made other plans. She had hired a cleaning service and needed the extra money for that.

Richard’s reaction was explosive. He accused Sharon of being stingy and ungrateful, caring more about strangers than her own family. But Sharon remained calm and composed throughout his tirade. She simply went to bed, leaving Richard to fend for himself.

In a fit of anger, Richard’s eyes fell upon the one possession Sharon cherished the most – a beautiful Art Deco Lalique vase. Its clear crystal, softly transitioning to a pale sea-green, held a sentimental value for Sharon. Without hesitation, Richard discovered its worth online – a staggering three thousand dollars – enough to fund his Vegas trip.

The next day, Richard greeted Sharon with a smug smile, boasting of his newfound profit. But Sharon’s smile quickly faded when she noticed the empty spot where her grandmother’s vase had once stood. She was heartbroken, unable to comprehend how Richard could betray her trust in such a way.

Richard, immersed in his own world of self-importance, paid no attention to Sharon’s distress. To him, everything in their home was his to dispose of as he pleased. But then, a sudden thud interrupted his indifference. Sharon had collapsed on the floor.

Angry and frustrated, Richard yelled at Sharon to get up and fetch him a beer. But Sharon remained motionless, her breathing shallow. Panicked, Richard finally made the call for an ambulance. It was a wake-up call he never saw coming.

As the paramedics rushed Sharon to the hospital, Richard was left with a profound sense of regret. He realized the enormity of his actions and the love he had taken for granted. Sharon had been there for him through thick and thin, comforting him during his darkest moments. And yet, he had chosen to ignore her pleas for help.

The following morning, Richard visited Sharon in the intensive care unit, a stunning sea-green and clear crystal vase filled with lilies-of-the-valley in hand. With tears welling up in his eyes, he begged for forgiveness, expressing his deep love for her. The incident served as a much-needed wake-up call, and Richard vowed to become a better husband.

Over time, Richard managed to regain Sharon’s trust and transformed into a kinder, more appreciative partner. He learned that love and gratitude should never be taken for granted. The wake-up call that changed everything reminded him of the importance of cherishing and supporting those who mean the most to us.