Do you love adding wasabi to your sushi? Well, prepare to be shocked! A recent image on Reddit has unveiled the real price of fresh wasabi, leaving many questioning if they have ever tasted the real thing. And the truth might surprise you.

The image depicts two small stalks of fresh wasabi, priced at an eye-watering $27.75. It doesn’t take long for the comments to flood in, with one user expressing their disbelief, “I have probably never had real wasabi.” Another user explains, “Real wasabi isn’t as strong as the fake one. It’s more flavorful, and the kick comes from its fragrance.”

So, if that’s the real wasabi, what have we been eating all along? As it turns out, most of the wasabi we consume is actually a combination of horseradish, mustard, and food coloring. Even fresh wasabi from Japan is often mixed with horseradish to stretch the expensive ingredient further.

Real wasabi is a delicacy in itself. It has a delicate and herbaceous flavor that is quite different from the wasabi we are accustomed to. However, growing real wasabi is a challenging endeavor. It requires specific conditions such as a greenhouse with river rocks, misters, temperature controls, and precise shading. No wonder it’s so expensive.

To add to the complexity, real wasabi loses its flavor within 15 minutes after being grated, making it difficult to serve in most takeout sushi establishments. This is why the more affordable horseradish substitute is commonly used instead.

But this mislabeling phenomenon isn’t unique to just wasabi. According to another Redditor, the same is true for saffron and even vanilla. It seems that the food industry has its fair share of deception.

Next time you indulge in sushi, you might find yourself questioning whether you’re truly experiencing the authentic taste of wasabi. Remember, not everything is as it seems in the world of condiments.