We all know that in-laws can be a tricky bunch, especially when it comes to giving gifts. But when it comes to mothers-in-law, some of them seem to have a special talent for choosing the worst possible presents. Reddit’s Ask Women platform recently asked its users to share their stories about the worst gifts they have ever received from their mothers-in-law. And let me tell you, the responses were quite something.

Here are some of the most outrageous and unbelievable gifts that these women have had the misfortune of receiving:

10. The Team Player

Imagine celebrating your birthday with your partner’s family for the first time, only to receive a gift that leaves you scratching your head. One woman shared that her mother-in-law gave her a bikini decorated with the logo of a sports team. The catch? The woman had no interest in that team whatsoever. It turned out that her mother-in-law chose the gift because her husband’s ex-wife was a fan. Talk about an awkward gift!

9. Tissue Issues

Sometimes, it’s not just your own mother-in-law who gives strange gifts, but also the in-laws of your extended family. One commenter shared that her sister received an empty Kleenex box as a gift from her aunt-in-law’s mother-in-law. The reason? Apparently, she found it aesthetically pleasing. It’s safe to say that this gift left everyone scratching their heads.

8. The Weighty Gift

We all know that receiving a scale as a gift can be a sensitive matter. But one woman’s mother-in-law took it to a whole new level. She gifted her daughter-in-law a scale for Christmas, leaving her feeling hurt and shocked. It definitely took her a while to get over that one. Yikes!

7. Ghastly Gift Card

In a truly insensitive move, one woman’s mother-in-law handed her a gift card to a tanning salon, knowing full well that she had recently been diagnosed with melanoma. Talk about adding insult to injury! The woman was understandably shocked and hurt by this thoughtless gesture.

6. Motivational Madness

We’ve all heard of mothers-in-law buying clothes that don’t match our style, but this woman’s mother-in-law took it a step further. She consistently bought her clothing that was too small, thinking it would motivate her to lose weight. Needless to say, this gift strategy was not well-received. The woman sarcastically remarked “Yeah, good luck with that.”

5. Static Slippers

Matching gifts can be a sweet gesture, but not when it involves ankle-length, leopard-print slippers that glow in the dark from static. One poor woman received these unique slippers from her mother-in-law, and let’s just say she was less than thrilled. It’s safe to say that this gift left her and her sister-in-law horrified.

These stories are just a glimpse into the wild world of mother-in-law gifting. It’s clear that some mothers-in-law have a knack for choosing presents that miss the mark completely. So the next time you receive a questionable gift from your mother-in-law, just remember that you’re not alone.