Glorius Time

In the days leading up to her wedding, Paula was on top of the world. She was excited to marry the man of her dreams, Curtis. But sometimes, life has a way of throwing unexpected curveballs.

Paula was a driven and hardworking woman. Graduating from her studies in the UK, she was ready to take on the challenge of leading her parents’ business in the US. But amidst all the hustle and bustle, she had yet to find time for her personal life.

Her parents, proud of her accomplishments, gently reminded her to lessen her workload and start socializing. They longed for grandchildren and hoped Paula would find a partner who shared her values.

One day, while rushing to a meeting, Paula witnessed a generous act of kindness. Curtis, a stranger, was helping a homeless man by giving him food. Intrigued by his generosity, Paula struck up a conversation with him and discovered that he had recently moved to town to establish his own business. They instantly clicked and decided to have lunch together later that day.

During their lunch date, Paula was captivated by Curtis’s stories of helping orphanages, animal shelters, and homeless people. His selflessness touched her heart, and she couldn’t believe her luck in finding someone with such a generous spirit.

As their relationship blossomed, Paula introduced Curtis to her family. They immediately fell in love with him and hoped for a future wedding. True to his word, Curtis proposed to Paula, and the wedding preparations were set in motion.

However, a lingering doubt crept into Paula’s mind when a friend shared a disturbing story about Curtis arguing with a homeless man asking for money. Paula, struggling to believe the accusations, decided to investigate further.

To ease her worries, Paula reached out to the organizations Curtis claimed to work with, only to discover that they had never heard of him. This revelation frightened her. She was torn between her love for Curtis and the possibility that he might not be the person she thought he was.

In an attempt to uncover the truth, Paula disguised herself as a homeless person and begged near Curtis’s workplace. When he callously ignored her pleas and pushed her aside, a compassionate homeless man named George came to her aid. George’s kindness and genuine concern confirmed Paula’s worst fears.

Devastated by the truth, Paula canceled the wedding and revealed everything to her mother. They ran a background check on Curtis, which revealed that he had planned to deceive Paula and take her money. Heartbroken, Paula made the decision to move on with her life.

Instead of seeking revenge, Paula chose to focus on making a positive impact in the world. She returned to work and thought about the homeless man who had helped her, George. Determined to help him, she found him and assisted him in getting a job.

A year later, George visited Paula’s office to express his gratitude. Transformed and grateful for her support, George looked healthier and happier than ever.

Though Paula’s heart had been broken, she found solace in helping others. She learned the importance of trust and resilience and proved to herself that even in the face of deception, kindness and redemption are still possible.