Unemployed Dad With Disturbing Face Tattoo Begs For Job On Facebook - NEWS20CLICK

In this incredible story about the impact of social media, we meet Mark Cropp, a young man from New Zealand who was facing a difficult situation. After serving time for an unsuccessful drug trade, Mark found himself at a crossroads in life, desperately in need of a fresh start.

While incarcerated, Mark and his brother made a decision that would change their lives forever. In a moment of intoxication fueled by homemade alcohol, they used melted plastic knives and forks, along with toothpaste, to tattoo Mark’s face. The result was a massive black tattoo that spelled out “Devast8” across his lower face and jaw, symbolizing the sorrow he felt inside.

After his release from prison, Mark faced the harsh reality of unemployment. Despite his desire to support his girlfriend and young daughter and reintegrate into society, he quickly realized that his face tattoo was a major barrier to finding work.

Unable to secure employment due to the visible ink, Mark felt trapped and discouraged. Reflecting on the purpose behind his tattoo, he shared, “There was a long time where everything I touched seemed to end in devastation. I kept hearing ‘that’s devastating’ from those around me. Once I started the tattoo, I felt like I couldn’t go back. I wish I had stopped when it was just an outline. My face was swollen like a pumpkin.”

Desperate to find a solution, Mark searched for ways to remove the tattoo, but professional assistance was out of reach due to the cost. Turning to social media for help, he posted a selfie on Facebook, showcasing his unique tattoo and pleading for work and a fresh start.

His heartfelt plea quickly gained attention and caught the eye of the compassionate team at Sacred Tattoo, a renowned tattoo parlor in Auckland. Inspired by Mark’s story and their commitment to the community, they decided to step in and make a remarkable offer.

Sacred Tattoo generously provided Mark with complimentary laser removal sessions to get rid of the “Devast8” tattoo on his face. This act of kindness demonstrated not only the power of compassion but also the transformative potential of social media.

Through the support of Sacred Tattoo and the viral nature of social media, Mark’s life took a positive turn. With his face tattoo gradually fading away, he was given a chance to pursue new beginnings, free from the stigma of his past.

This uplifting story reminds us of the incredible impact social media can have in connecting people and creating opportunities. It also serves as a testament to the power of compassion and second chances, showing that with the right support, individuals can overcome obstacles and transform their lives.