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Did you know that there was once a girl known as the ‘world’s hairiest girl’? Meet Supatra ‘Natty’ Sasuphan, a 19-year-old girl from Bangkok who suffered from a condition known as “werewolf disease.” But don’t let her appearance fool you, because Natty’s story is all about love, acceptance, and embracing who you truly are.

Natty has always had a supportive circle of friends who love her for her true self. “I don’t feel any different to anyone else, and I’ve got lots of friends at school,” she said proudly when she was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the hairiest teenager in the world back in 2010. And now, she has made a bold decision that is worth sharing with the world.

Natty Sasuphan

Natty has recently shaved off all of her thick facial hair, and it’s all thanks to meeting the love of her life. Her message about loving yourself for who you are is truly inspiring. It reminds us that all humans have worth, regardless of their appearance.

Supatra ‘Natty’ Sasuphan suffers from a rare and untreatable disease called Ambras Syndrome. This condition causes thick hair to grow all over her body. Despite the challenges she faces, Natty remains confident and has a strong support system of friends. She has even tried laser surgery to stop the hair growth, but unfortunately, it didn’t work.

Ambras Syndrome

Ambras Syndrome is an extremely rare disease with only 50 known cases. It is caused by an incorrect chromosome and has been documented since the Middle Ages. In the past, people who suffered from this condition were wrongly labeled as ‘werewolves’ due to a lack of understanding.

But Natty is not defined by her condition. In fact, she is one of the most popular girls in her school, admired by everyone. Those who used to tease her have learned to accept and respect her for who she truly is.

Confident and Loved

Despite her unusual appearance, Natty leads a normal life just like any other teenager. She loves swimming, dancing to her favorite music, and hanging out with her friends. But her ambitions go beyond that. Natty dreams of becoming a doctor so she can help others who are sick and injured.

Natty’s journey hasn’t been easy. When she was born, she had to undergo two operations just to be able to breathe. Her condition was discovered at birth, and for the first three months of her life, she stayed in an incubator to ensure her survival. She spent a total of 10 months in the hospital, which was a difficult time for her and her family.

Natty's Journey

But despite all the challenges, Natty continues to inspire others with her strength and optimism. She believes in herself and wants to be treated the same way as everyone else. She knows that love and acceptance are essential for everyone, and she has found that in her husband.

Recently, Natty met the love of her life, and she couldn’t be happier. Although she still lives with her condition, she has started shaving her face and body since meeting her husband. Their love is evident through the photos they share on Facebook, and Natty couldn’t be more proud.

Natty and Her Husband

Natty’s story is a reminder that we should all embrace who we truly are, regardless of our differences. She teaches us that everyone deserves to be loved and to find their perfect partner. Share this inspiring story to help us wish Supatra ‘Natty’ Sasuphan all the luck and love in the world!

Love and Acceptance