When baby Tessa was born without a nose, her story captured the hearts of many. Now, at four years old, Tessa continues to defy the odds with her remarkable journey of courage and resilience.

Tessa’s parents were faced with a difficult decision when they learned about their baby’s condition during the pregnancy. The doctors suggested terminating the pregnancy, but Tessa’s parents chose to give her a chance at life. They believed that she could have a normal life, despite her unique challenges. Indeed, their love and dedication to their special child have been unwavering.

Throughout the years, Tessa has undergone numerous surgeries aimed at improving her quality of life. These procedures have helped her in ways that were once unimaginable. Although Tessa faces additional difficulties, such as deafness and recent vision loss in one eye due to surgery, she remains a happy child full of life.

Her infectious smile and positive attitude are a testament to her strength and resilience. Tessa is grateful to have such caring parents and siblings who love and support her unconditionally. Despite the hurdles she faces, she cherishes every moment of her life.

Tessa’s mom holds onto hope that, in time, medical advancements will continue to enhance her daughter’s quality of life. The unwavering love of her family and the support of those around her bring comfort and solace.

Tessa, your spirit is an inspiration to us all. We wish you a lifetime filled with joy, love, and endless possibilities.

Please consider sharing Tessa’s story with your loved ones on Facebook. Together, we can spread love, acceptance, and hope.