In today’s digital world, cursive writing has become a topic of debate. Some argue that it is an outdated skill, while others see its value as a form of self-expression and identity. Texas is one state that has taken a stand in favor of cursive writing, reintroducing it to the elementary curriculum.

Many states have removed cursive writing from their schools, believing that it is unnecessary in the age of digital communication. After all, why spend time and resources teaching cursive when students can simply type their papers? However, Texas and other Southern states have recognized the importance of preserving this traditional skill.

Texans are known for their strong sense of individuality and independence, and cursive writing is seen as a way to express that uniqueness. A signature, for example, is a mark of authenticity that sets individuals apart. By teaching cursive, Texas is ensuring that its future citizens have the opportunity to develop their own distinct writing style.

Furthermore, research suggests that writing by hand can enhance learning and memory retention. Studies conducted by Pam A. Mueller of Princeton and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of UCLA have found a correlation between hand-written notes and long-term knowledge retention. Recognizing this, many parents have turned to programs like “Learning Without Tears” to teach their children cursive.

Starting in September 2019, Texas will once again include cursive writing in its curriculum. Beginning in the second grade, students will learn how to write in cursive and continue to practice this skill until the fifth grade and beyond. By reintroducing cursive, Texas is embracing the idea that there is value in preserving traditional forms of communication.

To learn more about the importance of cursive writing in Texas, watch this informative video:

In conclusion, cursive writing may be seen by some as a relic of the past, but in Texas, it is being recognized as an important part of a child’s education. By reintroducing cursive into the curriculum, Texas is ensuring that its students have the opportunity to develop their individuality and retain knowledge through the written word.