In January 2020, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry shocked the world with their announcement to step back from their senior roles as royal family members. Since then, the couple has been upfront about their grievances with the royal family, sparking intense media coverage and global interest.

What sets Prince Harry and Meghan apart is their willingness to address topics that have long been shrouded in silence, such as mental health. Through their platform, Archewell, they strive to amplify the voices of those who are often overlooked and promote equality and kindness.

Recently, Prince Harry spoke up about the benefits of quitting your job in an interview with Fast Company. For Harry, who left his role as a senior royal amidst public scrutiny, this topic holds personal significance.

Fast Company, an American business magazine covering a wide range of business-related subjects, interviewed the Duke of Sussex on the subject of the “Great Resignation,” also known as the “Big Quit” phenomenon currently happening in the United States. Let’s explore what Prince Harry had to say.

The “Great Resignation” refers to the growing trend of employees resigning from their jobs in search of better opportunities. Since the spring of 2021, an increasing number of individuals have made the decision to leave their current positions behind, hoping for a brighter future.

Historically, the United States has experienced an average resignation rate of about 2.4% of the total workforce. Higher resignation rates signify periods of economic growth and labor shortages, suggesting that people are leaving their jobs for improved prospects. Conversely, low resignation rates indicate limited job openings or an uncertain economy, making individuals more inclined to stick with their current employment.

At the beginning of 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the United States witnessed a decline in the resignation rate, plunging to a low of 1.3%. However, throughout 2021, the rate gradually climbed to new heights. In October 2021, the food sector reported an astonishing rate of 6.8%, surpassing the levels observed during the 2007 financial crisis.

The reasons behind the Great Resignation are often attributed to shifting priorities in the wake of the pandemic and changing perspectives on life, particularly among younger generations. These are precisely the topics that Prince Harry touched on during his interview with Fast Company.

Harry expressed, “We’re just at the beginning of the mental health awakening.” He believes that the coming years will bring profound changes to the job market and our perception of work’s role in our lives.

Delving deeper into the importance of mental health, particularly in relation to one’s job, Harry shared his revelation: “I’ve come to realize that many of these job resignations are not necessarily negative. In fact, they represent a call for change that stems from self-awareness. People across the world have been trapped in unfulfilling jobs, and now they are prioritizing their mental health and happiness. This is something to celebrate.”

Prince Harry acknowledged that what we are witnessing is not a sudden problem but the culmination of long-standing issues. He remarked, “While it might seem like these struggles have only surfaced in the past couple of years, the truth is that they have been brewing for quite some time.”

Anyone who has experienced low-paying jobs or customer service roles can attest to their underappreciation and high stress levels. It is no wonder that when presented with an opportunity, employees have opted to explore greener pastures.

Prince Harry firmly believes that this change is, indeed, positive. He asserts that both employees and managers, as well as business leaders, can benefit from striking a healthy balance between work and personal life. According to him, being in tune with your mind and having a support system in place are crucial for achieving peak performance, whether you hold a global leadership position or work a traditional nine-to-five job.

The message resonates clearly: prioritizing mental health and overall well-being is essential. Prince Harry encourages us to embrace change and view the Great Resignation as an opportunity to foster personal growth and create a healthier, more fulfilling work-life balance.