In today’s society, there is still a tendency to assign certain tasks and skills to specific genders. While boys are encouraged to be handy with tools and engage in sports, girls are expected to know how to cook, clean, and do laundry. However, one mother from Michigan is challenging this notion and facing criticism in the process.

Mom and Child Doing Dishes

Nicole Boulogne, a single mother of two, recently came under fire for posting pictures of her 7-year-old son doing household chores such as washing dishes and cleaning the house. Many people questioned her parenting choices, arguing that boys should not be involved in tasks traditionally associated with women.

However, Nicole strongly believes in teaching her children to be independent and self-reliant. Despite taking care of everything around the house herself, she sees the value in teaching her kids essential life skills. Her older child is already capable of doing basic household chores, yard work, and even cooking. Nicole plans to teach her younger child the same when she is older.

When asked why she was teaching her son these tasks, Nicole had a simple yet profound explanation:

“I teach my child how to cook and take care of the house because these skills are not gender-specific. I want him to grow up to be capable of doing laundry, cooking, and being self-sufficient. It’s about preparing him for the future, where he may live alone, where he may want to impress a partner with a delicious meal, and where he will need to contribute to household chores when he has a family. By passing on these skills, we can raise a generation that is competent and capable in all aspects of life.”

Nicole’s goal is to ensure that her son is well-prepared to contribute to society both inside and outside the home. She firmly believes that teaching these valuable life lessons does not take away from his childhood but rather enriches it.

In fact, research supports Nicole’s approach. Studies have shown that children who are involved in household responsibilities from a young age develop a sense of responsibility, learn to take calculated risks, and strive for higher achievements.

So, congratulations to Nicole for being a fantastic mom and for challenging outdated gender stereotypes. By teaching her son to be self-reliant, she is empowering him to excel in all areas of life. Let’s all take a cue from Nicole and embrace the idea that responsibilities and skills are not confined to gender roles.