Tattoo addict inks 95 percent of his body, reveals what he looked like just 5 years ago

Tattoos have always been a popular way to express individuality, but some people take it to the next level. Meet Tristan Weigelt, a 26-year-old tattoo apprentice who has covered a staggering 95 percent of his body with ink. The transformation is truly astounding!

Weigelt recently shared photos of what he looked like just five years ago, and the difference is mind-blowing. It’s hard to believe that beneath all those tattoos lies the same person. But despite the drastic change in appearance, Weigelt insists that on the inside he still feels like the same person he was before.

The journey to becoming a living work of art began when Weigelt was 20 years old. Since then, he has spent a whopping $50,000 on tattoos. But for him, it’s not about the cost or the pain—it’s about self-expression and embracing what he loves.

Getting tattoos on his face and head was the most painful experience for Weigelt, describing it as feeling like being scraped with a metal brush. Yet, he endured six full-day sessions of five to six hours each to complete these intricate designs.

When asked about the meaning behind his body art, Weigelt revealed that there are no hidden messages or deep symbolic significance. He got the tattoos simply because he loved them and they resonated with his personal style. It’s an inspiring reminder that tattoos don’t always have to have a profound meaning; they can just be a form of artistic expression.

For anyone considering getting a tattoo, Weigelt offers some simple advice: get what you love and what makes sense to you. Don’t worry about whether it fits a certain mold or if it’s trendy. If you like it, then that’s all that matters.

Looking at Weigelt’s incredible transformation, it’s undeniable that tattoos can completely change a person’s appearance. But whether or not we would ever consider getting tattoos on our entire bodies is a personal choice. For some, it may be a way to express their identity, while others may prefer more subtle forms of self-expression. At the end of the day, it’s all about staying true to ourselves and embracing what makes us unique.