As we go through life, many things define us. Our appearance, our way of speaking, and even our choice of clothing. Fashion advice may be plentiful, but sometimes we just want to do our own thing and be true to ourselves, regardless of what others may say.

One person who truly understands this is Susan Sarandon. Known for her unapologetic nature both on screen and in real life, she isn’t afraid to make a statement. And that’s exactly what she did recently, much to the dismay of some.

Stepping onto the red carpet, Susan managed to ruffle a few feathers with her outfit choice. Critics were quick to judge because of her age – 76 years old. But Susan wasn’t about to let them dictate what she should or shouldn’t wear.

You may remember Susan Sarandon from her iconic role as Janet Weiss in the 1975 cult classic, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She’s an easily recognizable face, and she even won an Academy Award for her performance in Dead Man Walking.

But aside from her acting prowess, Susan is also known for her body positivity. And perhaps that’s why she felt no shame in pairing a white jacket with a black bra on the red carpet. Some deemed it inappropriate, but Susan had a powerful response.

Taking to social media, she shared an old picture of herself wearing nothing but panties, confidently displaying her physique. In that image, she said more than words ever could.

She declared, “When your sense of time has an ending and isn’t finite, like how it feels when you’re young.”

When people asked her how she managed to maintain her youthful appearance, Susan had some simple advice. “If you want to age gracefully, just laugh a lot, exercise regularly, eat well, and protect your skin from the sun.”

In the end, Susan Sarandon wore what she wanted and had no regrets. And that’s a lesson we can all learn from. Age is just a number, and when it comes to fashion, there are no rules. So, let’s embrace our individuality and wear what makes us feel confident and empowered.