A heart-wrenching incident unfolded in the United States when a mother noticed her 13-year-old daughter in tears, clutching her neck in agony. What caused this distressing sight? Surprisingly, it was her cell phone. The young girl had alarming marks on her neck resembling strangulation wounds.

Investigations revealed that the cause of these injuries was not an act of violence, but rather a dangerous combination of a cell phone and a metal necklace. While talking to a friend with her phone plugged into a wall charger, an unexpected electric arc was generated due to the presence of the metallic necklace. This led to severe burns and left the young girl in excruciating pain.

Immediately after this shocking incident, the mother took action and filed a complaint with the mobile operator. Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the mobile operator agreed to cover all the medical expenses required for the child’s treatment.

This incident serves as a reminder to all of us, especially parents and caregivers, to be cautious with the use of electronic devices and accessories. Let’s delve deeper into the precautions we need to take to ensure the safety of our loved ones.