Taylor Swift is a household name, known for her music and success in the industry. But did you know she went to the same high school as Jessica McLane? McLane recently shared her experience in a viral TikTok video, revealing that Swift wasn’t the most popular person in their class. In fact, many of her classmates hated her. So, why was Swift the target of such negativity? It all came down to jealousy.

McLane attended Hendersonville High School in Nashville, Tennessee, when Swift was a junior. Swift had moved from Pennsylvania to pursue a career in country music. During her time at the public school, she released the song “Teardrops on My Guitar,” which became a hit. However, her success drew the envy and resentment of her peers.

In her TikTok video, McLane shares that she personally didn’t interact with Swift much, but she heard rumors being spread about her family. Living in close proximity to Nashville, many students had aspirations of breaking into the music industry. Swift’s early fame and notoriety caused tension and competition among her classmates.

McLane also mentions that Swift often wrote songs about the men in her life, which sometimes included criticism of their shortcomings as boyfriends. This drew sharp criticism from others, fueling the negativity surrounding Swift. Additional TikTok users who attended the same school confirmed the presence of jealousy during that time.

In a potentially subtle jab at her former classmates, Swift invited the entire senior class to the Country Music Association Awards in 2009. This act may have been her way of showing that she had moved on and found success.

Despite the hate, Swift’s fans quickly rallied to her defense. They praised her energy and passion on stage. However, it’s important to acknowledge that Swift, like many other students, likely faced difficulties during her high school years.

Regardless of her past experiences, Swift has grown into a successful artist and is living a good life today.