Are you feeling hopeless about humanity? Well, let me introduce you to Amanda, a remarkable woman who radiates kindness and restores our faith in humanity. She is not only a successful businesswoman, but also a loving mother to a very special child with Down Syndrome. As a result, Amanda understands firsthand the challenges that people with disabilities face and how they are often treated differently by society. She believes that these individuals are not “different,” but rather special and unique in their own way.

Recently, Amanda learned about an unfortunate incident at her restaurant. One of her employees, who happens to have autism, was subjected to harassment by a rude customer. This deeply troubled Amanda, and she couldn’t ignore it any longer. Many of the people she employs have disabilities, and she specifically hires them because she knows they may require more time to learn certain tasks. However, once they acquire the necessary skills, they become unstoppable.

Amanda has developed a unique approach to running her business. She assigns specific tasks to each employee, allowing them to focus on their strengths. In this particular incident, the customer asked the employee to refill a bowl with lettuce, a task he was not trained for. The manager explained this to the customer, but it only fueled his frustration. Before leaving the Pizza Inn, he suggested that they should have a sign warning customers about the presence of disabled employees.

Rather than becoming angry, Amanda saw an opportunity to educate and raise awareness. She decided to hang a sign at the entrance of the restaurant that read:


This sign not only acknowledged her employees’ hard work and dedication over the years, but also served to protect their emotional and mental well-being. Amanda considers her employees to be like her own children, and it infuriated her to see them treated poorly. She wanted to make her point in a respectful manner.

As for the rude customer, Amanda is not concerned if he never returns. She believes that if he cannot accept and appreciate her inclusive approach, then she doesn’t need his business. It’s not about the money, but rather about standing up for what she believes in and supporting her employees.

If you find Amanda’s story inspiring and admire her advocacy for inclusion, please share her story with your family and friends. Let’s spread the message of love and acceptance together.