When his mother passed away, a young man witnessed the cruel behavior of his wealthy relatives towards his grieving father. They even attempted to separate him and his brother from their dad, but their plan failed miserably. However, after a decade, the tables turned and the man finally seized the opportunity to seek revenge on his maternal family.

In a heartfelt post shared on Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” forum on March 11, 2019, an anonymous male user recounted his childhood experiences, the loss of his mother, and the trauma endured by his younger brother. The man’s maternal relatives, driven by their wealth and power, made it their mission to harm his family. But fate intervened, giving him a chance to right the wrongs they had inflicted.

Before delving into his story, the Reddit user explained the stark contrast between his parents’ backgrounds. His father, a hardworking man, had struggled all his life to provide for his family and put food on the table. On the other hand, his mother hailed from one of the wealthiest families in the city.

So why did his maternal family despise his father? The original poster revealed that his mother’s side had strong connections with the mayor, lawyers, and influential businessmen in the city. They were highly respected, and when his mother fell in love with his father, it didn’t sit well with her family. They disapproved of his father’s lack of wealth and considered him a “disgrace” to their family.

The man and his younger brother had a happy childhood until their mother was diagnosed with cancer. As their mother battled the illness, they witnessed their father courageously taking care of her, in the absence of any support from their maternal aunt and grandmother.

After his mother’s three-year-long struggle, she succumbed to the disease. The man vividly remembers the heart-wrenching moment when he and his little brother cried like babies, feeling their world crumble beneath them. The loss was irreparable, and they were left emotionally shattered.

He also recalls the devastating effect his mother’s death had on his father. Just a few hours after her passing, his father received a call and hastily rushed to meet his aunt, his late wife’s sister. The man vividly recounts the meeting:

“My aunt, accompanied by a lawyer, launched an attack on my dad, claiming that now that his wife was no more, he was incapable of taking custody of us, the kids. She insisted that they should take care of us instead.”

When his father refused, the harassment from the family escalated. This continued for years until they resorted to accusing the widowed father of assaulting his late wife’s sister, their maternal aunt. The entire family turned their backs on the grieving man.

They even managed to snatch a portion of the poster and his brother’s inheritance money, taking advantage of a legal loophole in their country. Devastated, his father felt powerless, unable to fight the injustice.

The man and his brother often witnessed their father banging his head on the table, buried in a pile of papers, overcome with sadness. As young as they were, they felt helpless witnessing their father’s sorrow. But amidst the hardships, their father remained their rock, ensuring they had everything they needed.

After ten long years, his maternal family finally ceased their mistreatment of his father. They had been leading a peaceful life, far away from their aunt and grandmother, until they received a wedding invitation. The man recalls:

“This summer, my cousin got married. They invited us to the wedding. Both my brother and I accepted the invitation, knowing that it was our chance to set things right.”

Filled with anger upon learning of the lies spread about his father, the man captivated everyone’s attention at the wedding by revealing the truth. Raising his glass, he locked eyes with his aunt and faced the entire gathering of wealthy, influential people in the city. He boldly proclaimed, “Actually…” and then unleashed the whole story, heaping praise upon his dad and condemning his aunt and grandmother.

A stunned silence enveloped the room as he finished speaking. His aunt seethed with anger, while his grandmother teetered on the edge of tears from the humiliation. The furious gazes of the guests laid bare their disdain, and he broke the silence by reminding them, “But at least we turned out fine. Our studies are going well, all thanks to our dad.”

Returning home, the brothers shared the triumphant story with their father, who was overjoyed to finally hear the truth exposed. Later, they discovered that all the guests had severed ties with their maternal family. The mayor and other influential people distanced themselves as well.

The man also revealed that his grandmother and aunt were forced to shut down their business due to a lack of funding. They attempted to reconcile with him and his family, but they refused. After a decade, he had finally been given the chance to rectify the havoc his grandmother and aunt had wreaked upon his father’s life and to seek revenge for the years of torment they had inflicted.