As we reflect on the state of education in our countries, it is evident that reform is needed. However, it is crucial to recognize that blaming teachers for every shortcoming and neglecting our own role as parents will not bring about the change we desire. This message comes from a retired teacher who has grown weary of the constant criticism towards the system and educators. Her powerful words, published in a newspaper, have since gone viral and struck a chord with many.

Let’s hear what she had to say:

“As a retired teacher, I am disheartened by how many people who have little understanding of public schools or have not stepped inside a classroom recently feel entitled to dictate how we fix our education system.

The truth is, teachers are not the problem. Parents are the problem. Many parents are failing to teach their children basic manners, respect, and general knowledge of how to interact with others. It’s disheartening to see students come to school in designer shoes that cost more than their teacher’s entire outfit, but they lack something as simple as a pencil or paper. Who provides these essentials? Teachers often do so out of their own pockets.

When we examine schools that are labeled as “failing,” the real issue lies with the parents and students. Do parents actively participate in parent nights and engage with teachers regularly? Do they make sure their children are prepared by providing necessary school supplies? Are they diligent in ensuring their children complete their homework?

Are parents even reachable, with working telephone numbers? Do students actively take notes in class and complete assignments? Are they attentive and respectful in the classroom, or are they the cause of disruptions?

When we honestly evaluate these factors, it becomes clear that it is not the schools that are failing, but the parents. Teachers cannot perform both their job and the job of parents simultaneously. Until parents step up and fulfill their responsibilities, the situation will not improve.”

If you resonate with this retired teacher’s perspective, consider sharing this article with your loved ones. It’s time for us all to work together to create a better future for our children, rooted in peace and love.