May Ryder, a curious seven-year-old, notices her reclusive neighbor, Gail McKenzie. Despite warnings, May persists in trying to befriend her. One day, while spying through the window, May is caught by Gail, who, instead of scolding, apologizes for her grumpiness.

Little did May know that Gail had a hidden past as the child star “Giggles McKenzie.” Gail, now lonely and forgotten, opens up to May about her tragic losses. Intrigued by Gail’s story, May insists on being Gail’s friend and suggests showcasing Gail’s memorabilia to the world. With May’s infectious enthusiasm and her mother’s support, they decide to turn Gail’s home into a museum.

News of the museum spreads like wildfire, and soon, kids from all over the town flock to meet the once-famous Giggles McKenzie. Local TV networks catch wind of the heartwarming story and interview Gail. When asked about her most precious possession, Gail points to May, acknowledging the profound importance of love and friendship.

In the end, May not only changes Gail’s lonely life but also helps her rediscover the true value of connections. Together, they prove that even in the darkest of times, a small act of kindness can bring light and joy back into someone’s life.