The George Santos saga on Capitol Hill is reaching its climax, with the possibility of his expulsion from Congress this week. While his legal battles will continue into 2024, the House is considering a vote to remove Santos after a scathing Ethics Committee report revealed that he had used campaign funds for personal expenses. These expenses include rent, trips, luxury items, cosmetic treatments like Botox, and even a subscription to an adult content website.

In addition to these misuse of funds, the report also found that Santos deceived his donors and filed false campaign finance statements. Although Santos pleaded not guilty to the federal charges, Ethics Committee Chairman Michael Guest believes that expulsion is an appropriate response to such misconduct. Guest has filed a resolution to expel Santos, and a vote on this resolution could take place later this week.

Previously, Santos withstood an attempt to remove him from office by his fellow New York Republicans. However, some of those who initially supported him have since changed their minds after the damning ethics report was made public. Santos, on the other hand, has ruled out resigning and plans to stand for the expulsion vote. In fact, he even predicted that he would become only the sixth person in history to be expelled from the House of Representatives.

If Santos is indeed expelled, a special election will be triggered for his Long Island-based seat. Democrats see this as an opportunity to flip a seat that was won by Santos in 2020. With Santos’ expected expulsion, Republicans’ narrow advantage over Democrats in the House will shrink even further, potentially impacting their ability to pass legislation.

Santos’ time in Congress has been marked by drama, and this week is no exception. On Tuesday morning, members of the progressive group MoveOn Political Action plan to greet lawmakers on Capitol Hill with a large inflatable depiction of Santos, demanding his resignation.

While the timing of the expulsion vote remains uncertain, Santos remains steadfast. He believes that his expulsion will set a precedent regarding due process and accountability in Congress. Santos’ ongoing federal charges, including identity theft and public fund theft, will go to trial in September.

In the face of potential expulsion, Santos defiantly stated, “Expel me and set the precedent so we can see who the judge, jury, and executioners in Congress are. The American people deserve to know!” Despite the uncertainty surrounding his fate, Santos is ready to wear his expulsion as a badge of honor, signaling his departure from the “insanity” of Congress.