It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of renowned actor David Soul, best known for his role as Detective Kenneth Hutchinson in the iconic TV series “Starsky and Hutch.” David, aged 80, peacefully left us on January 4, 2024, after bravely fighting numerous health challenges. His beloved wife, Helen Snell, stood by his side throughout his valiant battle for life.

David Soul’s presence on television marked a significant era in our entertainment history. From 1975 to 1979, he captivated audiences alongside Paul Michael Glaser, creating a dynamic duo that will forever be remembered. As we bid farewell to David, we also say goodbye to an unforgettable chapter of television greatness.

Family meant the world to David Soul. In his later years, he cherished a peaceful life in London with his soulmate, Helen. Together, they created a loving and nurturing environment for their six children ā€“ five sons and one daughter. Despite his health struggles, David always found solace in the warm embrace of his family.

Throughout his journey, David faced significant health battles, including a life-threatening stint in intensive care and an ongoing fight with a chronic lung condition. However, with unwavering determination and the unwavering support of Helen, he overcame every obstacle. David believed in his fighting spirit, but he also knew that he owed his strength to his incredible wife, whom he described as an “incredible woman” and a “truly wonderful person.”

Though David did not measure his wealth in financial terms, he still felt rich beyond measure. The love and bond he shared with his six children were the true treasures in his life. Whenever David was surrounded by his family, he felt the true essence of wealth and happiness.

London became a special place for David and Helen, where they cultivated over a decade of shared love and treasured experiences. David often declared that Helen was his life, emphasizing the profound and unwavering bond that sustained him through his darkest moments.

David Soul’s legacy extended beyond his acting career. He was a passionate advocate for animal welfare, dedicating his time and resources to support organizations fighting against cruelty. In particular, he was deeply committed to protecting America’s wildlife, driven by his concern for the future of his seven grandchildren and our environment.

As we say goodbye to this legendary star and family man, let us remember David Soul for his incredible contributions to the entertainment industry, his unwavering dedication to family, and his tireless efforts to champion causes close to his heart. He will forever live on in our memories and in the enduring impact he had on the world.