Woman told she’s ‘too ugly’ for selfies uploads a selfie a day for a year, refuses to be bullied by trolls

Bullying is one of the most despicable aspects of modern society, I’m sure we can all agree. Prejudice against someone based on something as trivial as appearance is truly abhorrent behavior, but unfortunately social media has given people a platform to be nasty to one another while benefitting from relative anonymity.

Melissa Blake, a talented writer, experienced the harsh reality of cyberbullying when she was attacked by online trolls for her appearance. Despite their hurtful comments, Melissa refused to let them dictate her self-worth. Instead, she decided to take a stand in a truly remarkable way.

After a YouTuber shared a photo of her and invited hundreds of people to attack her appearance, Melissa responded with strength and resilience. She posted a tweet that gained massive traction online. In the tweet, she defiantly shared three selfies saying:

“During the last round of trollgate, people said that I should be banned from posting photos of myself because I’m too ugly. So I’d just like to commemorate the occasion with these 3 selfies …”

Melissa’s empowering response sparked a wave of support and solidarity from people worldwide. Fuelled by this encouragement, Melissa took her stand even further. She made the bold decision to post a selfie every single day for an entire year.

The impact of her courageous act was profound. Melissa’s Instagram following grew exponentially from 7,500 to an astounding 100,000. Each day, she not only shared a selfie but also addressed important issues such as disabilities. Refinery29 reported her saying:

“There was one thing they all had in common: Each selfie truly reflected my personality and who I was. Each was a celebration, and each carried a message.”

Melissa went on to say:

“It’s a way of taking back my power and painting a more accurate picture of disability. Because the one we have now? It’s more 1950 than 2020 — full of misconceptions that often only show disabled people as drains on society. On the contrary, we lead full lives and I’m so proud that I was able to show that for an entire year.”

Melissa’s resilience and determination are truly inspiring. She refused to be silenced by heartless trolls who sought to bring her down for their own amusement. Her story serves as a reminder that beauty goes beyond the superficial and that true strength lies in embracing and celebrating one’s unique self.

Melissa, if you ever come across this article, I want to say thank you. Thank you for being a beacon of courage and inspiration. Thank you for showing us the power of ignoring bullies and rising above their cruelty. Your journey is a testament to the fact that true beauty emanates from within. We stand by you with pride and join you in envisioning a world where bullying no longer exists.

Share this article if you’re proud of Melissa and if you, too, pray for a world free from the shackles of bullying.