Being a young parent is no easy task. Not only do you have to deal with family members’ opinions but also with the scrutiny of strangers on the internet commenting on your parenting methods.

Jordan Driskell, a 31-year-old father, faces a unique challenge as the father of five quintuplets who are now five years old. Caring for five children of the same age can be exhausting, especially at this stage when kids are inquisitive and love to explore.

To find a creative solution, Jordan purchased child-sized leashes to handle his energetic little ones during outings. This allowed his children to explore their surroundings while ensuring their safety and not losing sight of them. It’s a practical way to keep them close without restricting their curiosity.

In a video shared by Jordan, the family’s trip to the aquarium showcased the children happily and safely exploring with their leashes. However, the video also attracted a lot of criticism from people who believed that children should not be leashed as if they were animals. Some even went as far as questioning the couple’s ability to handle their large family, suggesting they “properly train” their children instead.

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, a parenting and adolescent development expert, disagrees with this negative perspective. She believes that using a leash does not make a child feel like an animal. In fact, if the alternative is to stay at home, a leash becomes a much better option.

According to Dr. Gilboa, leashes can be a valuable tool for controlling younger children or those with neurodiverse needs in public. However, she also emphasizes the importance of parents using verbal communication as children get older, around eight or nine years old, to develop their listening skills.

It’s essential for parents to have the freedom to choose the parenting methods that work best for their families without facing unnecessary judgment from society. Each family is different, and what matters most is the well-being and safety of the children.

What do you think about children wearing leashes in public? Let us know in the comments below and share this article with friends and family to gather their perspectives as well!