Being a parent is a joyous responsibility, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Nowadays, not only do young parents have to navigate the opinions of family members, but they also face judgment from strangers on the internet. Jordan Driskell, a 31-year-old father of five quintuplets, knows this all too well.

Looking after five energetic 5-year-olds can be quite overwhelming. These little explorers are curious and always on the move. To keep them safe and prevent them from wandering off in public, Jordan decided to find a creative solution: leashes. Yes, leashes meant for children!

In the past, the family used a 6-seat stroller to travel together. However, this proved to be tiring for everyone, and the kids were often uncomfortable. Moreover, the bulky stroller made outings inconvenient. That’s when Jordan discovered that using leashes allowed his little ones to wander and explore while still keeping them within sight and under control.

A video of their family outing to the aquarium, where the kids were on leashes, went viral and garnered over 3 million views. Unfortunately, the overwhelming response from viewers was mostly negative. Many criticized the parents, arguing that children are not animals and shouldn’t be treated as such.

However, parenting expert Dr. Deborah Gilboa has a different perspective. She believes that using leashes can be an effective tool for younger children or those with neurodiverse conditions, to keep them safe in public spaces. Dr. Gilboa emphasizes that it’s important to transition children off leashes as they grow older and develop their listening skills.

It’s crucial to remember that every parent has their unique parenting style, and they should have the freedom to raise their children in a way that works best for them. Judging or shaming parents based on their choices is unnecessary and unfair.

What do you think about children on leashes in public? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family to get their perspective as well!