'Pray for the Baby'

In a surprising turn of events, the peaceful day of a family in Elyria, Ohio took a distressing turn when law enforcement mistakenly raided their home. The most devastating part? A 17-month-old special-needs boy named Waylon was present during the raid and suffered burns and respiratory distress as a result. The incident has since sparked outrage and a GoFundMe campaign to support Waylon’s family.

A Routine Day Turns Into Chaos

According to the family’s account, the nightmare occurred on January 10, 2024, at approximately 2:12 p.m. Law enforcement officers forcibly entered their home, shattering windows in the process. The family claims that multiple guns were pointed at them, causing chaos and endangering Waylon, who relies on a ventilator for breathing.

An Innocent Child in Harm’s Way

Waylon’s parents screamed about his vulnerable condition, begging the officers to take care, but they were forcefully removed from the house and handcuffed. The situation worsened as Waylon suffered burns on his eyes, chest, arm, and neck during the raid. His mother, Courtney Price, expressed the horrors her baby endured: “Imagine a defenseless baby, laying in chemical-filled air burning his eyes, body, lungs, and heart for almost half an hour.”

A Mistake That Shouldn’t Have Happened

To compound the tragedy, the family claims they had informed the police multiple times that the individual they were searching for did not live at their address. A quick Google search could have prevented the mistake, as the person in question had updated their address in court records three weeks prior. The family now faces medical bills and has turned to the online community for support, with a fundraising page that has already raised over $41,000.

Seeking the Truth

The Elyria Police Department has countered the family’s account with their own statement. They maintain that they had obtained a search warrant for the residence as part of an ongoing criminal investigation, and while they did use “flash-bangs” during the operation, these devices do not contain chemical agents. The police claim that Waylon did not sustain any apparent injuries and that they called an ambulance for precautionary measures.

Seeking Justice and Transparency

In response to the serious allegations against the Elyria Police Department, Mayor Brubaker has ordered a comprehensive review of the incident. Video footage from the body-worn cameras of several officers has been released to the public, along with statements and reports from individuals present at the scene. The mayor has also requested an external investigation to ensure transparency and accountability.

Solidarity and Support for Waylon

The news of this disturbing incident has stirred emotions in the community, with many expressing their solidarity and support for Waylon and his family. People are appalled by the police’s alleged actions, calling them “inexcusable” and urging others to pray for the baby. The public has extended their thoughts and prayers to the suffering child, emphasizing the need for justice and healing.

Our hearts go out to Waylon and his family during this difficult time. Let us stand together and demand justice for this innocent child.