In an intriguing call to the Reddit community, users were asked to share their most brilliant revenge stories. The response was overwhelming, with countless tales of creative plots and clever strategies that spanned from youthful pranks to cunning schemes.

Taking a Stand: The Case of the Fabricated Spanish Dialogue

One story comes from a high school language teacher and her quest for justice. The teacher’s daughter, also a high school Spanish teacher, faced a group of boys who had lied about completing an assignment. Despite knowing that the boys hadn’t turned in their project, she had no way to prove it.

However, with the help of an honest student who revealed the boys’ ulterior motives, the teacher came up with a plan to not only uncover the truth but also teach a memorable lesson in accountability. Drawing inspiration from her yoga practice, she devised a revenge scheme.

Returning to school, she approached the boys and claimed to have found her notes on their project. Apologizing profusely for falsely accusing them, she proceeded to read their notes aloud, criticizing their grammar, lack of necessary vocabulary, and short dialogue piece.

By critiquing a presentation that never actually took place, she managed to fail the dishonest students on their project without them being able to argue against it without admitting their initial lies. It was a lesson they would not soon forget.

Fighting Rudeness: The Supermarket Checkout Coup

In the early ’90s, when barcode scanners were not yet common, a shopper found themselves in line behind an impatient woman with a full cart. This woman had pushed her way ahead, claiming she was in a hurry.

Witnessing this display of bad manners, the cashier knew something had to be done. So, when the shopper finally reached the teller and handed over their soda, the cashier uttered a sly remark: “You’re good. I put your soda on her tag.”

It was a small act of revenge, a way of subtly making the impatient woman pay for her rude behavior, and the shopper couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

Fishing for Justice: The Fishy Retaliation

This tale of revenge involves two friends, a bullying older brother, and a dead carp. When these boys were just thirteen years old, they decided to stand up to the older brother’s bullying ways and get back at him for his nasty behavior.

One day, the boys went fishing at a nearby creek. As they enjoyed their fishing trip, the older brother showed up and started sabotaging their fun by throwing rocks into the water and even tossing the younger boy’s friend’s bicycle into the creek.

Feeling sorry for his friend, the boy made a promise to himself that they would find a way to teach the bully a lesson. And weeks later, they had their chance for revenge. After another fishing trip, they secretly placed a smelly carp in the bully’s car, creating an unforgettable stench and attracting a swarm of flies.

When the boy’s brother discovered the foul surprise, he couldn’t contain his anger and ended up punching the bully in the face. As a result, their mother punished the older brother, grounding him while reassuring the younger brother that he would never stoop to such levels again.

Spicing Things Up: The Spicy Sandwich Sabotage

An eighth-grader, tired of having his sandwiches stolen during study hall, decided to take matters into his own hands. This young boy brought two sandwiches to school each day, one for lunch and one for study hall. However, there was another student in his study hall who took it upon himself to devour the second sandwich before the boy had a chance to eat it.

The first time it happened, the boy left his sandwich on the desk and briefly stepped out of the room. Upon returning, he found the boy sitting in front of him munching on his sandwich. When confronted, the sandwich thief denied any wrongdoing.

Determined to put an end to the sandwich stealing, the boy devised a clever plan. He loaded a sandwich with habanero cheese and ghost pepper sauce, creating a spicy trap for the unsuspecting thief. Once again, he left the sandwich on the desk but took the hall pass with him and walked around the school for ten minutes.

When he finally returned to the classroom, the sandwich thief was in visible distress, crying in pain from the spicy ordeal. Unable to escape the wrath of the fiery sandwich, he spent the rest of the day in the bathroom.

These stories serve as a reminder that sometimes, a little bit of revenge can bring a sense of justice and teach valuable lessons to those who deserve it.